Damage control is terminology of the moment in Hollywood. With the Weinstein scandal dripping all over the place, Movie studios are keen not to let the fallout hit them.
The latest collaborator in the scandal? Amazon Studios.
British actress Rose McGowan, who by now has seen her suspension from Twitter lifted, sent a message to Amazon CEO Jezz Bezos about his Amazon Studios boss Roy Price (pictured with Harvey Weinstein) which was quite clear on the subject. It read: "I told the head of your studio that HW raped me. Over & over I said it. He said it hadn’t been proven. I said I was the proof. I had already sold a script I wrote to your studio, it was in development. When I heard a Weinstein bailout was in the works. I forcefully begged studio head to do the right thing. I was ignored. The deal was done. Amazon won a dirty Oscar. @amazonstudios called to say my show was dead."
As of this morning Mr. Roy Price, the head of Amazon Studios, was fired by Mr. Bezos in an apparent damage control move. Added to the Rose McGowan accusation, there was also a separate claim made by Ms. Isa Hackett, a producer at a separate Amazon show, against Mr. Price.
Ms. Hackett is the daughter writer Philip K Dick, who you may know as the man who penned the book ‘The Man in the High Castle’, currently an Amazon show. According to the statement, Ms. Hackett was assaulted by Mr. Price at Comic-Con in 2015 already.
There is no exact date as to when Mr. Price knew about the alleged rape of Ms. McGowan by Mr. Weinstein.
Amazon released a statement: "Roy Price is on leave of absence effective immediately. We are reviewing our options for the projects we have with The Weinstein Company."
Mr. Weinstein insists through a spokeswoman that any sexual contacts he had were consensual. There have now been multiple allegations of rape against him.
Wonder who of the liberal press will ask Bezos about this…