By: Steve Dellar | 10-14-2017 | News
Photo credit: Igor Setanovic |

Iran Conducted Cyber Attack On UK Parliament

Iran, who stand accused by President Trump for not complying with the six nation nuclear deal and are at the world’s attention today, have conducted a cyber attack on the British parliament over the summer.

Although it was initially assumed that Russia was behind the hack which lasted more than 12 hours and affected some 90 email accounts, British intelligence officers have now admitted that the attack can be traced back to Iran.

In total, some 10,000 emails were seen by the hackers, sent both by members of parliament and the UK Prime Minster Theresa May.

Experts warned that politicians could be exposed to blackmail or face a heightened threat of terrorist attack if those emails accounts were accessed. They have repeatedly asked politicians to step up cyber-security in Whitehall, the UK parliament.

It is believed by British intelligence that the attack was carried out by Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, a group that President Donald Trump described as terrorists in yesterday’s speech.

The US president accused Tehran of violating the spirit of the landmark 2015 agreement and believes the international community is being quite naive in its dealings with the regime. As predicted, European powers are calling on the US today to let Iran off the hook and continue the opening up of trade.

Meanwhile in Iran itself, President Hassan Rouhani rebuffed President Trump’s address in a 20 minute speech on national TV: "No president can revoke an international document backed by the UN on his own. America took a hostile position against an international deal and once again the European Union also took a firm position against the US. America is now more than ever isolated."

Later yesterday evening, President Trump doubled down on his remarks, saying in a tweet that "Many people talking, with much agreement, on my Iran speech today. Participants in the deal are making lots of money on trade with Iran!"


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Anonymous No. 9601 2017-10-14 : 08:04

And all the Europeans will say Iran is soooo nice…

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