Hillary Clinton finally broke her silence on the Harvey Weinstein affair recently. Of course, she managed to ignore the last alleged sexual abuser in the White House (her husband) and focused instead on current POTUS Trump. Weinstein has long been a Clinton friend and Foundation supporter. More than that though, he helped Bill out of a pickle during the Lewinsky affair. None other than good ol' Harv was there to cut a check for $10K (the maximum allowable by law) to Clinton's legal defense fund after he was found to have committed perjury.
Multiple Hollywood luminaries were among the supporters of Clinton's legal defense. Barbara Streisand, Jeffrey Katzenberg, David Geffen and others funded the $2.2M defense fund. Geffen, by the way, has long been alleged to be involved in some creepy abuses that overshadow even the dozens of stories coming out about Weinstein.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Harvey Weinstein Donated to Bill Clinton’s Legal Defense During Lewinsky Scandal <a href="https://t.co/0rXudjPDm3">https://t.co/0rXudjPDm3</a> <a href="https://t.co/mIS56Ex8a4">pic.twitter.com/mIS56Ex8a4</a></p>— LawNewz (@law_newz) <a href="https://twitter.com/law_newz/status/919998866845552640?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">October 16, 2017</a></blockquote>
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Some people still only think of Slick Willie as "the fellow who got a BJ in the Oval Office." To be quite honest, his marital infidelity in the Oval was merely symptomatic of a larger issue of alleged abuses and cover-ups. Sure, it was a bit of abuse of authority and morally wrong to have 22-year-old college student and intern, Monica Lewinsky pleasure him "under the table" so to speak. That's nothing compared to the rape allegations and sexual harassment scandals that have followed Clinton for decades.
In the end, it was "contempt of court" and not perjury he was charged with and $850,000 to the victim, Paula Jones, and that was all she wrote.