Today in Western Degeneracy: marketing "realistic vagina manicures" to impressionable young girls. So, Seventeen magazine retweeted a story from earlier this Summer that I somehow missed the first time through. The (frightfully off-putting) accent nail is rather realistic looking as Seventeen magazine puts it. The quasi-pornographic bit of manicure art is the brainchild of Asa Bree who works at a Portland, Oregon nail salon known simply as "Finger Bang." I know, classy, right?
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">This Realistic Vagina Manicure Is Exactly What I Needed Today <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a></p>— Seventeen (@seventeen) <a href="">January 30, 2018</a></blockquote>
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I guess it's the <a href=" ">next logical step</a> for "pussy hat" wearing "nasty women" as many members of the #Resistance claim to be. And it's not just Seventeen magazine getting in on the fun of contributing to the continuing erosion of juvenile morality. <a href="">Teen Vogue lauded a campaign</a> started by two teenage girls to express their dismay with President Trump by anonymously sending vulva shaped lollipop "so he could have another pussy to grab." I mean, if the guy likes lady parts (and he seems to) and sweets (check out his physique and remember the "two scoops") then it seems like this would be a bit less tortuous than you might expect.
Now, I'm no prude myself and I don't believe in restricting choices from consenting adults, but the hyper-sexualization of children and teenagers has been amping up since before "tween role model" Miley Cyrus took to quasi-pornographic stage performances. Young women (and men) should be educated about sexuality, safety regarding sex and potential dangers. Some of those dangers go far beyond simple STDs as well. <a href="">Correlations have already been drawn</a> between hypersexualization via <a href="">media and "hook-up culture"</a>.
At the risk of sounding like a fuddy-duddy or stick in the mud (and it's hard not to when you use outmoded terminology like that) I have to say that I hope we can find a way to stem the tide away from encouraging animalistic, emotionless mating instinct.
17293 some things should respectfully remain private in open society. There are nudist colonies for those who feel differently. Some of us feel assaulted by vulgarity, yes, it has nothing to do with being "terrified" of the human body.
Yes, the female body private parts on show so blatantly, is vulgar and crude, just like this nail painting idea.
And YOU, who think it so sad that some of us decent folk think this disgusting and humiliating to women who have that part on display, know that YOU are a pervert.
You think it okay to have a penis painted on a nail too? Well, of course you do! You should have one painted on your darn head!
Those are called vulvas, not vaginas. Southern health education fails again.
what the fuck!