By: Savannah Smith | 03-20-2017 | News

White Supremacy March To Be Held In Scotland

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A far-right group is holding a " Global White Pride Day" march in Edinburgh, Scotland next week.

The White Pride march is scheduled on March 25, the same day a Sikh festival will take place in Edinburgh. Hundreds of people are expected to go to the streets in a traditional procession with a display of martial arts, hymns, and music.

A similar White Pride Day was also held in Swansea on the same day last year. The organizers of the 2016 march said the event was an opportunity to "stand proud of our race and white heritage". The group also promised to secure the existence of their people and the future of white children.

The march next week is believed to be organized by the same group from last year's event.

A few days ago, there were campaign materials from far-right groups found in bus stops in nearby Dunfermline. There were posters that asked local people to reject multi-culturalism. The materials also said that white people must secure the existence of their people and a future for white children.

The posters were removed and the police are investigating the matter.

Some groups are against the White Pride event, and are also against the idea of "white pride". Some refer to it as " white supremacy" while the most vocal critics describe the far-right groups as "Nazis" and " fascists".

One such critic is the Unite Against Fascism (UAF) who is claiming that the National Front is supporting far-right groups in organizing the march. UAF said they have organized a counter rally to oppose the White Pride march.

Far- right groups continue to be inspired by the strong showing of Le Pen in France polls, and the white nationalists support group of President Trump in the U.S.

The Police Scotland said no group has asked for any permits yet to hold rallies on March 25. They are ready with security measures for activities on that day. The White Pride march is expected to be peaceful, but can face aggression from groups who are against the march.

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