By: Steve Dellar | 02-26-2018 | News
Photo credit: NBC Dallas Fort Worth

Trump: Tick Tock Goes The DACA Clock

US President Donald Trump wasted no time on Twitter letting his base and his 48 million followers on social media know that he is the one trying to push for a solution for the DACA ‘Dreamers’ whilst the Democratic party who claim to be the defenders of these illegal youngsters are still ‘nowhere to be found’ when it comes to handing him a proposal.

<blockquote class="twitter-video" data-lang="en-gb"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">President <a href="">@realDonaldTrump</a> on DACA: &quot;I&#39;m the one that&#39;s pushing DACA and the Democrats are nowhere to be found.&quot; <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Fox News (@FoxNews) <a href="">25 February 2018</a></blockquote>

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Forwarding a video of his interview with ‘Judge Jeanine’ on Fox over the weekend, he repeated his stance on DACA Dreamers and said he would: “Like to do that, I would like to get that done, I would like to do that for the Hispanics, I'm the one that's pushing DACA and the Democrats are nowhere to be found."

Meanwhile, in the US Senate, Senator Jeff Flake (R. Ariz.) continues to push for his three-year stopgap plan which would get some $7.6 billion in border security in return.

Mr. Flake: “I can promise that I’ll be back on the floor, again and again, motioning for a vote until we pass a bill providing relief for those struggling due to our inaction.”

Knowing all indicators are looking good for the GOP at the upcoming midterm elections (the economy is doing well and people are turning around their opinions on the tax plan), US Senator Lindsey Graham (R. S.C.) was already predicting ‘kicking the can down the road’ and taking this DACA issue for a final deal into 2019, well past the midterms.

Mr. Graham: “I think we wind up punting. I think we’ll do a one-year extension of DACA and punt.”


Twitter: #Maga #QAnon #USA #News #Trump #GOP #DACA #CPAC

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Anonymous No. 19409 2018-02-26 : 10:36

Whoever lowered the number to 48 Million forgot we were treated to the fact President is polling in the 70% positive area on the DACA issue.

That means out of the 129 million (+/-) votes cast in the 2016 election , his support is in the 90.3 Million range. Almost twice the cited 48m.

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