Not for the first time, US President Donald Trump and the Republican Party do not see eye to eye on a subject. In this case, it is Mr Trump’s proposed tariff imposition on imports of steel and aluminum which many Republican parliamentarians fear could trigger a worldwide trade war.
Mr Paul Ryan was the first to launch a warning shot against President Trump’s plan, by sending an email to fellow Republicans and sending out a statement via his spokeswoman Ms Ash Lee Strong, stating: “We are extremely worried about the consequences of a trade war and are urging the White House to not advance with this plan.”
“The new tax reform law has boosted the economy, and we certainly don’t want to jeopardize those gains.”
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Furthermore, Mr Ryan stated in his email to fellow Republicans (clearly trying to get them to exert further pressure on the President) that the recent stock market drops were due to Mr Trump’s statement and even linked a CNBC article that said the same.
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Furthermore, Mr Kevin Brady (R-Texas), the Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee stated that “the president has not made a final decision yet.”
“I am continuing to reach out to the White House and the trade team. I want to continue to stay at the table to help him tailor this.”
Lastly, Senator Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) who as the chairman of the Finance panel represents US industry thought that that the tariff plan proposal was due to protectionist advisers swarming the President at the White House: “Some of us have weighed in, I think he’s thinking it through. I think he’s shooting one across the bow and letting people know that we’re not being treated fairly.”
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