By: Earnest Jones | 04-17-2017 | News
Photo credit: andrei vishnakov | flickr

Gay Porn Kingpin Urges America To Protect Itself From Muslim Barbarians

A renowned gay pornographic film actor and director known as Michael Lucas called the United States and the West to protect themselves from Muslims. Lucas, who branded Muslims as barbarians, recommended that the government should strictly limit U.S. refugee program and other immigration to societies and cultures that share the same values as the U.S.

Lucas argued that the U.S. ought to be like a sports team, where it chooses the crème de la crème. Doctors. Engineers. Programmers from all over the world.

The pornographic film actor is founder and CEO of Lucas Entertainment, New York’s largest gay adult film company and one of the biggest gay porn production companies in the world. Lucas is also the director and producer of numerous documentaries, including Campaign of Hate: Russia and Gay Propaganda which was released in 2014.

Lucas shared his two cents in an interview to air on the Aaron Klein Investigative Radio, broadcast on New York’s AM 970 The Answer and Philadelphia’s NewsTalk 990 AM. He was addressing the recent occurrences in the international news media of gay men being jailed, murdered or tortured in the Russian republic of Chechnya.

The rampant reports of gay men being murdered by relatives in Islamic honor killings were also part of the incident that Lucas was referring to.

After being asked what can be done on the situation of the LGBT community in Islamic countries. In response, Lucas emphasized that the U.S. cannot do much in such a society where a mechanism of change is non-existent. As a result, he called for people to make peace with such facts.

He emphasized that people ought to protect the U.S. society from those barbarians as vigorously as they protect their way of living and thinking. After being asked who the barbarians were, he responded saying that he was referring to the Muslim world. Lucas insisted that Muslim immigration is a problem since the immigrants make their way to the U.S. and bring with them hate.


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5 Comment/s
Anonymous No. 2318 2017-04-17 : 05:39

This is also the same guy who promotes unprotected sex with individuals known to have STDs.

Anonymous No. 2476 2017-04-24 : 18:19

He also used a California airbnb as a set for gay enema porn without the owner's knowledge a few years back. Why the right are pandering to fags these days I have no goddamn clue. There are much easier arguments against islam than "muh precious poz pigs bein thrown off rooftops omg".

Anonymous No. 2496 2017-04-25 : 08:16

Good points all around.

Luke McKee No. 2577 2017-04-28 : 05:09

Homosexual activists and muslim terrorists preach tolerance :P

Look at this Muslim Terrorist mobile's number on this faggots blog:

A week later his ABC govfag TV friends put Zacky Mallah the muslim terrorist on national TV and he was threatening to rape women as seen on the next link and the prime minister was saying faggot heads should roll in the ABC.

This pedophile homo rag head lover is going down hard at

then within 24 hours ABC GOVfuck TV was on Terror Lockdown for being a bunch of faggot muslim lovers. You can't make this shit up:

Anonymous No. 2639 2017-05-01 : 08:36

Why should we care about opinion of this faggot again? at least Muslims know how to keep their hoes in line, these fags cant even handle woman, too busy getting dildo shoved in ass.

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