By: Red Pill | 04-29-2018 | News
Photo credit: TVLine

As Predicted, Disgusting: Michelle Wolf Spouts Hate For Country at Correspondent's Dinner

Never before in the history of the White House Correspondents Dinner has such a disturbing and vile performance ever occurred - as the classless Michelle Wolf went before a crowd of left-wing media pundits and touted the ideals of racism, sexism, and used vulgarities that have embarrassed even the Democrats who were watching in the audience.

<strong><span style="color:red;">Caution: These videos contain some of the most disturbing profanities and extreme hate that has ever existed as a result of the Democratic Party’s vile sexism, racism, and bigotry. Do not watch these with children in the room.</span></strong>

President Donald J. Trump chose to head into Michigan for a high-energy rally among his fans and avoided the White House Correspondents Dinner in 2018, and in doing so only proved himself correct yet again based upon the disgusting rhetoric and tone used on stage by the hired Democratic propagandist Michelle Wolf.

Folks, this event was sickening. No Trump supporter watched it because President Trump himself held a rally that was enthusiastic and focused on the endless victories and unity of the American people, but I assure you anyone who did pay attention were left with a sour taste in their mouth.

Let's focus on a few clips from the Democratic Party’s talking heads who chose to hold the dinner, and the way Michelle Wolf decided to use her hateful rhetoric to attack Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the White House Press Secretary, is a great place to start.

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Sarah Huckabee Sanders was in attendance at the event by the President's Administrative wishes to have representatives available as an ode to free speech, in what's typically an event of humor, or a “casual roasting” of the President of the United States of America.

There was nothing casual about this roast, however, with Michelle Wolf taking it upon herself to attack the appearance of Sarah Sanders, in one of the most disgusting attacks upon a woman that I've ever witnessed in my life.

“I'm just excited Sarah Sanders finally gets to go to prom,” Wolf said, suggesting that the appearance of Sanders was unable to allow her a date to her high school prom, a low, classless blow against a good, Christian woman who was sitting in the audience.

<b>Take one look at the face or Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who is in absolute disgust.</b>

<img src="" style="max-height:640px;max-width:360px;">

<span style="margin-top:15px;rgba(42,51,6,0.7);font-size:12px;">Credit: <a href=""> Global News</a></span>

What kind of person says that in the first place?

That's disturbing and unfunny. It's not a joke, and it's an attack folk. Even the liberals of the press are saying that this performance was horrifying and serves as a “political gift” to President Trump, who likely haven't seen the production yet due to his pre-planned rally in Michigan.

Take a listen to a few more clips from the event. At the beginning of the below footage, you'll hear one of the more disturbing comments I've ever heard made about a sitting President of the United States of America, with zero respect for the office he holds.

“Good evening, good evening, here we are,” Michelle Wolf says to open the event.

“The White House Correspondents Dinner. Like a porn star says when she's about to have sex with a Trump, ‘let's get this over with,” a misogynistic and unfunny Wolf remarks.

<div style="width:100%;text-align:center;margin:0 auto;"><iframe width="360" height="202" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></div>

The hate doesn't end there, however.

“And I know as much as some of you might want me to, it's 2018 and I'm a woman so you can not shut me up,” Wolf says. “Unless you have Michael Cohen wire me $130,000. Michael, you can find me on Venmo under my porn star name Reince Priebus.”

Disgusting and atrocious. Those words don't begin to give this event justice.

First and foremost, if I were either Donald Trump or Michael Cohen I'd sue for defamation of character first thing Monday morning.

Second, is this not supposed to be a “casual roasting,” where there are humorous, friendly jokes such as the ones used against Barack Obama?

If these types of attacks were made against Obama or a female in his Administration such as were directed at Sarah Huckabee Sanders, there would be protests in the street. You'd probably have a women's march occur in Washington, DC as a result.

Last, this script and performance are so dirty and vile that there's no way a child could even be in the room to listen in on the disturbing comedy.

It's different if this were a private stand-up show. This is the President of the United States of America's traditional roasting which is supposed to be a dinner providing light humor and class inside the White House.

That's not what happened.

This entire event was filled with by outlandish hate, bigotry, discrimination, misogynistic behavior, sexism, you name it. Hillary Clinton would be proud.

Wolf continues her attacks with even more profanity, unsurprisingly.

“Of course Trump isn't here if you haven't noticed, he's not here. I know, I know I would drag him here myself,” Wolf says. “But it turns out the President of the United States is the one pussy you're not allowed to grab.”

Zero class. Remember folks, this is the White House Correspondents Dinner, the event in which the entire country should be able to watch with pride, including children who are supposed to look up to their President.

“We're gonna try a fun new thing alright? I'm gonna go ‘Trump is so broke,’ and you're gonna go ‘how broke is he’ alright,” Wolf remarked.

“Trump is so broke,” Wolf states as the audience replies with the question, “How broke is he?”

“Trump is so broke he has to fly failed business class,” Wolf said, with nearly no audience members genuinely laughing. Her humor was all personal attacks. The entire night.

“Trump throws out cabinet members quicker than Starbuck’s throws out black people,” Wolf said, choosing to make racism into a failed joke.

This is just disgusting America. I don't know what else to say.

Here's the event in its entirety for those who want to see how very little class or moral boundaries the Democratic Party and the vicious Washington mainstream media has.

<div style="width:100%;text-align:center;margin:0 auto;"><iframe width="360" height="202" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></div>

There's a reason President Trump tells you that the mainstream media is “fake news,” and there's a reason he didn't attend. Tonight he was not only vindicated in his decision to instead focus on the American people and the good folks of Michigan, but he was once again proven correct… the White House Correspondents Association Dinner was a disgrace.

If they're not forced to label themselves as a Super PAC of the Democratic Party after this, then I'm certain they should be forced to lose any funding they receive.

I'm not sure they'll ever be taken seriously again.

What a nightmare. The Democratic Party has lost touch with everyday Americans all across the nation.

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14 Comment/s
Gates No. 24541 2018-04-29 : 10:04

What a nasty bitch!!!

Anonymous No. 24559 2018-04-29 : 13:12

There was NO Need or Call for the remarks.

Is there any doubt the Far Left has taken over the Media and it is time to flush the Liberal media toilet? I not saying censorship or 1 sided RIGHT opinion. I am just saying bringing back civility and decorum to such gatherings.

BTW: These Pink Hat / Women Marchers have been exposed as LIBERAL shills and not as a Equal Women Rights or Protections group. In short another N.O.W. setup that plays down Liberal Male transgressions, while double dosing the venom on other Non-Liberals.

Anonymous No. 24564 2018-04-29 : 14:17

Michelle Wolf was absolutely disgusting. She has no class, no grace and she certainly was not funny. She is most assuredly a very low quality individual.

Michelle Wolf lacks the intelligence to speak in front of any audience. This was apparent early on. Her targets of conversation consisted of body parts, sexual inferences and cruel, thoughtless and hurtful remarks. Her callousness toward abortion was extremely cruel. If her dreadful performance last evening was supposed to be comedy, she failed miserably.

She isn't funny and she is too stupid to recognize that.

Anonymous No. 24566 2018-04-29 : 14:51

Typical liberal. It's 2018 folk's the year of conservative hate and 24/7 365 Trump bashing yet people are to stupid to realise that the constant barrage is the same thing as throwing crap at a wall until something sticks.

There are so many things Trump has done right its amazing where we are right now. I don't know why he let's this happen. Disband the WH press briefings, tell all republicans not to go to these dinners and stop ALL communication with the media until their childishness stops.

Blondie from Australia No. 24577 2018-04-29 : 15:57

Dirty, filthy piece of unintelligent excuse for a female. That was not humour,

Just vile nasty unfunny, uncalled for diarrhoea of the mouth! Don't ever visit Australia , filth like you are not welcome here.

Sharon Litherland No. 24588 2018-04-29 : 17:50

Let's face it, this 'comedienne ' is done after this. I'll put money on it.

bam No. 24590 2018-04-29 : 18:20

My heart goes out to Sarah. Aside from that, this was a good thing. It presented the nasty inside of the left and of this event. No need for any conservatives to ever go to this thing again to pretend that things are civil. Game over!

John No. 24592 2018-04-29 : 19:21

1st Sarah is a very good looking women!! - how mean spirited and nasty.

I have switched from Democrat, to Republican, because of all the hate they show. * last week "cropping "out our 1st Lady from a picture. again how hurtful and mean. -many people switching side. They are losing votes.

Deborah No. 24596 2018-04-29 : 21:14

Yep, game over! I love how classy Sarah Huckabee Sanders is. She knows what kind of ilk they are and that their time is up and this nasty and ugly female shall go down the drain after her tirade against all that is good.

SamSpade No. 24605 2018-04-29 : 23:21

You guys said you didn't like political correctness. So, she was not being politically correct. You can't have it both ways.

She's c omedian. This is what they do. Why is ok for Trump to call people names, but a comedian shouldn't? I didn't see any hatred for America - that you think people who disagree with you hate America just shows how dramatic you are.

She called Ted Kennedy a murderer, too. You'd think you'd like that

Ray No. 24626 2018-04-30 : 06:03

Did taxpayers pay for this piece of arrogance? It was appalling, tasteless, embarrassing and disgusting. Why are we having these people in government? She should be sent to a real school for comedy. She lacks no talent.

donna No. 24672 2018-04-30 : 18:17

day in and day out the abuse that some of these women take by other women either in the media or talk show host is a disgrace and if any one hires this waste of humanity…what a scary world we live in as for her comments does she have a mirror

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