By: Philip | 05-22-2018 | News
Photo credit: IDExperts

RFID Tags In Hotels Sign Of The Trackable Times

RFID tags are practically inescapable. Elite Beds, a Swiss luxury bed company, is even embedding them in beds to track the location, use and condition of the items. This allows Elite Beds to invoice hotels based on how much they were used. The system is expanding throughout Europe, and the company has also partnered with a mattress manufacturer in Mexico.

The RFIDs allow remote tracking of how the beds themselves are used. RFID tags in hotel towels and robes are also becoming more common. Elite Beds has been working with this system for nearly a decade now. They call their program the Smart Lease program. Web 3.0 is the ubiquitous internet which involves Internet of Things (IoT) devices outside of traditional mediums like computers and phones to collect, track and transmit data.

Smart Cities are a test run for the new era of Big Data where everything will soon have eyes and ears reporting back to AI who will take the disparate points of data and use that as a base to predict and possibly alter future behaviors of those tracked. At this point, as we've reported, RFIDs can be implanted on food or in pills. Dental implants can even record what you're eating or drinking. The micro-management of mankind is not even yet in full swing, but we're heading irrevocably towards a brave, new world.

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2 Comment/s
Dawn Ford No. 26814 2018-05-22 : 15:29

O'Man, everything we do will be known!

Fred Ward No. 26816 2018-05-22 : 15:51

If people didn't steal the damn towels, RFID would not be needed in this application. I think it's great.

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