Presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron was scheduled to hold his elections night celebrations at the Louvre museum. However, the venue was on lockdown after being evacuated over a security alert. Police authorities called on a full-scale evacuation after a sniffer dog alerted officials to a
suspicious bag.
The police authorities have reported that they have concluded security checks and the situation is back to normal after a sniffer dog discovered a suspicious bag near a media tent in the courtyard outside the iconic French landmark.
Approximately 300 journalists inside a press room set up at the downtown Paris location were among those evacuated. The Spokeswoman for Macron's campaign team, Pauline Calmes, told The Associated Press that the Esplanade du Louvre, in downtown Paris, was cleared as a precaution.
The presidential candidate picked the dignified internal courtyard of the renowned palace-turned-museum as the location for his celebration party. The Louvre already was being heavily guarded after extremist attacker targeted soldiers near the museum during the presidential campaign.
The incident has seen 50,000 officers been deployed across France in security efforts to combat extremist attacks during the election. The incident occurred as the French population continues to descend on polling stations across the country.
The much-heated race between nationalist Marine Le Pena and independent centrist Macron will begin to emerge at 20:00 local time (18:00 GMT).