She retreated into the woods (remember those hikes? Both literally and figuratively it seems) shortly after her crushing loss to President Donald Trump last year. It seems, though that only after a brief silence and missing-in-action status from the public scene, she just really could not stay out from American politics. It did not take her long to give the public a pathetic litany of alibis why she lost- blaming everyone from the Russians to Comey (before his surprise firing, of course) to “fake news”.
Seems all those are not enough. Hillary Clinton, defeated presidential candidate just announced that she is back in politics for more visible action, and she promised to be around for a special mission: resist Donald Trump. Actually, to “resist, insist, persist, enlist” to be complete about it.
Hillary Clinton is returning to the field that gave her so many heartaches- politics- with a new group Onward Together which she launched on Twitter that purportedly “encourages others to get more involved in their communities and run for office.”
It is, actually, a PAC that aims to fund some of the organizations leading the liberal efforts to oppose and resist Trump’s agenda and aspire to seize seats from Republicans in Congress.
Clinton and Onward Together will support groups such as Swing Left, a group working to elect Democrats to the House, and Indivisible, an organization of anti-Trump activists who also challenge Republicans at town hall meetings.
Clinton took to Twitter in a series of messages sharing her thoughts, feelings subtly about her presidential loss, and making a pitch for her new group Onward Together. She said that this year has not been what she has envisioned- since she’s not in the White House, for sure- but that she knows what she’s still “fighting for”: a kinder, big-hearted, inclusive America to shout, ‘Onward Together’ for.
Looks like some old things never change, as some old people never really transform. One takeaway from Clinton’s announcement of a comeback of sort is that it seems she hardly learned the lesson in the importance of powerful messaging, and of coming out with a battle cry that not only resonates with the American people, but something that is so compellingly remarkable- one that is meaningful, easy to remember, and catchy.
Onward Together?! Like, how different is that from the losing campaign mantra of “Stronger Together”? The hiatus has not seemed to have improved her and her team’s imagination and creativity.
But remember that presidential debate during the campaign where she and Trump were “forced” to say one thing positive about the other and Trump said he respects the fact that Hillary does not give up, she does not quit? It’s subject to interpretation and analysis if that’s actually a good thing now- not just for the country’s sake but for her own as well, for refusing to see what has been written all over, well, her wall: that it’s just so over.
Hillary has convinced herself its always someone else's fault..she truly believes that her horrible reputation has nothing to do with her losses. She probably thinks the 3rd time is the charm. She has to stay in the spotlight if she plans to run against Trump in 4 years. But..she fails to realize that the POTUS will not be calling on all illegals to vote for her..nor will he open the borders for foreigners to enter illegally to vote for her..he damn sure wont be campaigning in her behalf by asking all his white brothers and sisters to go out and vote for her like the previous president did when asking his black brothers and sisters to do so..our current president has not incited division between cultures..gender..races ..religions and financial status OR placed the law enforcement in the position to be disrespected and even murdered in cold blood for reasons that do not exist all to recreate a new racial war.( sad that he has to clean all that mess up ) So..Hillary will not be able to use the vision of desparity and division our country is in to campaign since Obama is not there to create it for her. All that bs just to shrink the reality of what an awful person she truely is. She will just have to base her campaign on her character ( lack of) and waste alot of money to lose the 3rd time.