By: Steve Dellar | 06-24-2018 | News
Photo credit: France24

France – Macron Proposes Penalties For EU States That Refuse Migrants

The major countries of the EU hold an informal summit on the topic of immigration this Sunday, one aimed at presenting a unified position and helping German Chancellor Angela Merkel stave off the pressure she has within her own party.

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The Visograd four, namely Poland, Hungary, Slovakia and the Czech Republic have declared beforehand that they would boycott the meeting as the government of all those countries reject accepting refugees according to a mandatory resettlement scheme.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">French President Macron welcomes Spanish Prime Minister Sanchez at Palace Elysee <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; විගස පුවත් 24x7 (@vigasapuwath) <a href="">June 24, 2018</a></blockquote>

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French President Emmanuel Macron, being visited by his Spanish counterpart Pedro Sanchez yesterday, tried to deflect attention away from Ms Merkel by instead proposing that countries who refuse to take in migrants (in a clear swipe to Hungary and Poland), should be met with sanctions.

Mr Macron stated: "You can't have countries that massively benefit from the solidarity of the European Union and that massively voice their national selfishness when it comes to migrant issues."

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"I am in favor of sanctions being imposed in the event of no cooperation."

Both Mr Macron and Mr Sanchez are under renewed pressure now that Italy has aligned itself with Austria, Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic to take a much tougher stance against illegal immigration.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Germany won over Sweden, so did Mexico. Belgium did its best. <br>Today, Turkey votes. Will Erdogan win? Will there be an opponent to Erdogan? <br>Today, it is EU migration summit. Sanchez &amp; Macron called for &quot;European solidarity&quot;. So did Merkel. Italy denied entry to another boat. <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Samuel Sabbah (@Samuel_Sabbah) <a href="">June 24, 2018</a></blockquote>

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The leaders of France and Spain stated furthermore that they could agree with Austrian PM Kurz’s idea to set up refugee centres on African soil already where migrants would be held while their asylum claims are considered.

Mr Macron claimed that: "Once on European soil, we are in favour of setting up closed centres in accordance with the UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees)… so that each country takes people who are entitled to asylum in an organised way."


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4 Comment/s
Whitey No. 29594 2018-06-24 : 10:35

Poles and Hungarians should show up at Macron’s circle jerk for muslims with bats, batons, and brass knuckles, then go to work on the pussies!

Moje Poland Moje Polska!!

cake No. 29598 2018-06-24 : 12:02

the french people voted to be overrun by savages. Macron is a globalist who should be dragged into the streets to be hanged.

Anonymous No. 29616 2018-06-24 : 14:29

The EU is beyond cucked at this point with their flood of worthless terrorists taking over and destroying what used to be a beautiful place steeped with culture. Now it’s a violent shitslum and the member countries are all but ruined with a few exceptions.

What should be done are midnight runs with mini subs that could tear out the bottom of the boats and they would just disappear and it would look like an accident. If none of the boats made it anywhere safely the invaders would stay home.

Why is it that mudslimes fuck up their countries everytime then tug on the heartstrings of predominantly Christian countries for asylum. Once we give them asylum they come over here and start replicating what they ran from?

Schermann No. 29630 2018-06-24 : 15:24

Pay a fine or convert to Sharia, tough choice! Or better still just exit EU and revert to WTO. Thanks Micron for making that simple choice so much easier…

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