In a segment on Neil Cavuto's Fox Business Show, Karl Rove said the following:
"Our biggest current leaker is Comey, who is obviously going back to his notes, and his internal memoranda and through a friend or friends leaking them to the press. We have government officials – people who are career officials who have been privy to some things that have occasionally been sort of sourced in the coverage. We’ve got former government officials, this happened particularly in January and February, these were people who were, you know, obviously served in the Obama administration and had some connection inside the administration or an agency. But here are the two troubling ones, White House staffers, outside of the intel area, this is the principle source of the leaks against the administration. I counted up in one Washington Post story eleven negative quotes about things going on in the West Wing from nine – at least nine – staffers in the West Wing and then we’ve got, of course, friends. Some of them, who are real friends, and some of them who are styled as friends, who are quoted, people who have visited the West Wing or talked to Trump or claimed to have talked to Trump, but this, I’ve never seen anything like this in my life, this much leaking.”