By: Red Pill | 07-29-2017 | News
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Radical Feminists Set Off Bomb Near Bishops Conference

Authorities say that radicalized feminists set off a major bomb blast near the entrance to the Mexican Bishop's Conference.

The feminists are both proclaiming a hatred towards God and the church as well as a protest towards pedophilia as the reasons for the domestic terrorist attack.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="es" dir="ltr">La sede de la Conferencia Episcopal Mexicana ha sufrido un atentado con bomba molotv de 3 cilindros.Creo que eso refleja la situación de Mex <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Mons. Ramón Castro (@MonsRamonCastro) <a href="">July 25, 2017</a></blockquote>

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In a video from closed circuit television which recorded the blast you can see the attack as it happened.

A group going by the title, “The Informal Feminist Command of Anti-Authoritarian Action” is now claiming responsibility for the early morning blast. Self describing their mantra on the website “<a href="">Contra Info</a>” the group claims they're "an international multilingual counter-information and translation node, an infrastructure maintained by anarchists, anti-authoritarian and libertarian activists in different parts of the world." The post also says, "My God, I do not love you!"

The post claiming responsibility for the attack was written by someone going by the name "Coatlicue", who claimed that the "explosive device was made with dynamite, liquefied petroleum gas and butane." The explosion, however, only produced a small amount of damage.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Mexico: Bomb explodes at entrance to Bishops&#39; Conference headquarters | Independent Catholic News <a href=""></a> via <a href="">@icn_uk</a></p>&mdash; Jo Siedlecka (@indcatholicnews) <a href="">July 28, 2017</a></blockquote>

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The feminist group claims that they specifically targeted the Mexican Bishops' Conference "for every torture and murder in the name of your God" and "for every child defiled by pedophiles!"

The Mexican Catholic Undersecretary For Religious Matters, Humberto Roque Villanova, said, “I didn't believe it was an attack on the Catholic Church.” Villanova implies that this radicalized feminist group of anarchists simply wanted to make a statement against the government.

He went on to say, "I do not see that it is an orchestrated action, nor is it in itself a deliberate action or joining other actions against the Catholic Church."

Fortunately there were no fatalities reported in the blast according to a statement Msgr. Alfonso Gerardo Miranda Guardiola, in which he proceeded to thank the police for their assistance and emergency response.

Guardiola also took the time to condemn the acts as domestic terror, asking for the violence to stop. In his statement he said, "As a collective body representing the bishops of Mexico, we would like to make an appeal for peace, prudence and respect for human life and for its institutions."

"This fact invites us to seriously reflect on the need to rebuild the social fabric," Msgr. Guardiola continues. "We renew our call for a social conversion that makes us see all as brothers and sisters, hoping that every citizen will be a peacemaker in our country."

While no stranger to such terror, Mexico has a long history of violence against the Catholic Church, which dates back to the Cristero War. Over 20 priests have gone missing or have been killed in the past four years.

Just this past January a Priest went missing, believed to be kidnapped. The bishops of Mexico are calling on authorities to search for a missing Catholic priest.

Father Joaquin Hernandez Sifuentes, a parish priest from the northern state of Coahuila, has been missing since the beginning of the year with no results in finding any evidence of whether or not he's still alive.

Coahuila has been a hotbed of drug violence in recent years, with anarchists and cartels killing more than 18 Priests in just the past four years alone.


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