By: Red Pill | 09-20-2017 | News
Photo credit: Cuyahoga County Sheriff

Manhunt for Cleveland Pedophile who Raped a 10-Year-Old after Just Released from Prison

In today's segment of why pedophiles should be executed, we have another example of a disgusting pedophile who was just released from prison being charged for a new rape case of a ten-year-old girl.

34 Year Old Christopher Forrest hasn't been out of prison for more than five months on a previous sentence for Child Pornography.

He was officially released on March 20th for a case where he had filmed and sent sexually explicit videos to a 13-year-old child and exchanged disgusting and perverse unwarranted text messages with the child.

Law enforcement who covered that case say that Forrest has sent the child videos of adults including himself having sex, sent her text messages telling her he wanted to “have sex with her all night long”, and that he wanted to perform the same sex acts in the videos on the child.

Prior to that conviction, Forrest has seven separate convictions for drug trafficking and possession of narcotics, yes seven.

He also has two convictions for felonious assault, where most recently in 2007 he attacked an innocent elderly man at Nyuk Nyuk’s bar on Broadview in Cleveland while he was under the influence causing the man permanent hearing damage; and he served a year in prison for that conviction.

In 2009 he threatened to shoot multiple people including the officers who responded to the call, hid the gun, and officers later recovered the weapon. He served another 28 months in prison for that charge.

Now, just five months after his release for his disturbing obsessive pedophilia and Child Pornography sentence, he's accused of raping a ten-year-old girl.

The problem is, police cannot locate Christopher Forrest and now there's a manhunt for the lifelong criminal and pedophile who's now committed additional crimes against children when he should have been executed the first time.

Police say that at an apartment on West 75th Street in Cleveland Christopher Forrest walked into a ten-year-old girl's bedroom and forcefully raped her twice throughout the night before fleeing the scene.

I keep saying it and I don't care who it offends <i>there are no cures for Pedophiles except death</i>.

Now Law Enforcement needs your help to locate the pedophile on the run. If you have any information that could lead to locating or arresting Christopher Forrest please contact the Cleveland Police Department at 216-623-5000 and help put this monster away for good.

Police Chief Calvin Williams is issuing a warning that due to Forrest’s violent past he may be armed and dangerous so CPD is asking you do not approach. However, if you see him and he approaches you, be sure you're armed and <i>feel threatened</i>, so in self-defense, you'd be doing the world a favor.

Seriously though, this savage should never have been walking the streets, to begin with.

Fast Trial, Death Penalty.


—<i>[email protected]</i>

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4 Comment/s
Anonymous No. 8365 2017-09-20 : 12:03

So we are looking for a man with a large single eyebrow.

Anonymous No. 8370 2017-09-20 : 13:19

Since the liberal society seems to have an increasing number of these perverts and the same liberal Touchy-Feely crowd protests flipping the switch on these things.

How about the removal of both hands at the wrists, or both arms from the elbows? Or maybe even a branded or tatt'ed "P" on the foreheads.

Bill Spielberger No. 8386 2017-09-20 : 15:35

Hopefully he's armed and resists arrest. Hint, hint Cleveland police.

Average Guy No. 8430 2017-09-21 : 12:25

They probably need to wash his disgusting pe pe off really good because it probably still smells like her little p u s juice.

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