A two-year-old boy with protruding eyes is unfortunately slowly losing his eye sight because his parents are too poor to afford medical treatment for his condition.
The toddler, Jailian Kaipeng, is suffering and is constantly in pain from a rare disorder that inflames his eyes that could be a type of children’s eye cancer.
There’s little chances that the boy’s condition can be treated for now as his laborer father used to earn roughly $2 a day. Making matters worse, he is now jobless.
The little boy was born healthy but his eyes started to swell when he was just two months old. His condition makes his eyes forward so much that the lids of his eyes cannot even close. His father, Neirbanglal Kaipeng said: “A red line would appear and disappear on his eye ball and it would cause his eye to swell. We were shocked when we first saw it, we had no idea what to do, or who to turn to.”
They initially sought the help of local doctors but no one could diagnose his condition. The father said even the doctors could not understand his son’s condition, and they were just given medicines and sent home. Unfortunately, his son’s state only deteriorated after that.
Jailian’s mother who hails from a remote village in Tripura, north eastern India is visibly upset, especially with their non-capacity to help their child. She said:”All the doctors have said we should take him to the big hospitals but they are beyond our affordability.”
The condition spread to his left eye and the swelling even became permanent.
The mother also feels sorry for the child. She shared: “People stare at him and are shocked by his condition which breaks my heart. All we can do is wait for a miracle to happen. We are in desperate need for help.”
It is suspected that the baby may be suffering from orbital pseudotumour, which is the inflammation of the eye muscles or even worse he has a type of eye cancer called retinoblastoma. But since the family can not sustain the tests and afford the best care, they can not be certain what truly ails their child and what can be done to treat his condition.
As it is, the family has already sold some of their lands and family cows to pay for further fees, travel expenses and medicines. The child’s condition only worsened, though, and the family has lost their home.
The mother’s heart breaks with the thought that they have wasted precious time “just sitting, staring at him, crying” at home, unable to help the child more.
A Christian Missionary helped the family to see a doctor in July who diagnosed his condition as orbital pseudotumour but they need a second opinion a sno treatment has been carried out yet. They also need a biopsy to rule out cancer.
The little boy has thankfully not lost his sight yet but if he’s left untreated for long, he risks the chance of losing his sight completely.
The family is reaching out to people who may read the plight of Jailian, and may be willing to help them. Press agency Cover Asia Press has set up a donation page to assist in raising money for the child’s cause.
Gee I wonder if all the recent physical deformities from China and India among people and animals have to do with unhealthy living conditions