By: Red Pill | 10-03-2017 | News
Photo credit: The Goldwater

JUST IN: Graphic Photos of Vegas Shooter Stephen Paddock's 'Suicided' Corpse Leaked

IImages of the infamous gunman of the Route 91 Music Festival outside of the Mandalay Bay Resort Hotel and Casino have been released displaying his corpse after he allegedly committed suicide.

The 64 year old Stephen Paddock is claimed by authorities to be responsible for the worst mass shooting in American history, after which law enforcement agencies claim that he took his own life.

Now pictures are floating around showing at least two of the alleged dozens of weapons that were found inside of the hotel room in the Mandalay Bay and what is alleged to be the corpse of the man as well.

There are also images of what's alleged to be the home of Stephen Paddock in Danley with a torn down garage door after authorities raided the home.

These are images circulating around the internet from a multitude of sources and none have been officially confirmed or denied at this time.

<h2>Warning folks, the photos below are EXTREMELY GRAPHIC.</h2>

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<img src="" style="max-height:640px;max-width:360px;">

<img src="" style="max-height:640px;max-width:360px;">

<img src="" style="max-height:640px;max-width:360px;">

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13 Comment/s
wah No. 9098 2017-10-03 : 23:08

paddock is surrounded by 556 casings, but there is a full mag of 308 next to the ar15 that is clearly a 556. whats the older wound on his chest? tried to stab himself in the heart first before he shot himself? i smell bulls…

Anonymous No. 9101 2017-10-04 : 00:13

Can someone explain the location of the handgun? How is the hand gun like 2 feet above his head? It looks like the shot went up through his mouth. If he did it while standing, wouldn't it have dropped near his feet and sitting… somewhere near his waist or hands? Not above his head?

"…The gun remained in the deceased's hand in 24% of the cases. In 69% of the cases, the gun was on or near the body but not in the hand (i.e., touching the body or within 30 cm of the body). The gun was found >30 cm from the body in the remaining 7% of cases."

Anonymous No. 9103 2017-10-04 : 00:36

Bring the filipino gf back to USA. She is the answer.

Anonymous No. 9112 2017-10-04 : 02:41

I guess white men having romantic relations with filipinas is going to be classified as indicative of terrorist activity now… good luck jim!

P No. 9117 2017-10-04 : 03:32

You can tell he had the gun on his chest. Law enforcement probably tossed it there when they got it. Look at the blood drop trail. They dont take chanced you dont know in a split second if he is st

P No. 9118 2017-10-04 : 03:33

They dont take chances they dont know if hes dead in a blink of an eye

Anonymous No. 9121 2017-10-04 : 04:03

Why are there clean shell casings on top of his brain juice? Someone shot him then went on with the shooting of the concert. Man this stinks on so many levels.

Anonymous No. 9146 2017-10-04 : 13:18

We never be told the complete truth of this person of the shooting. Too many Political types have their fingers in it now.

Including Sen. Reids group.

Anonymous No. 9180 2017-10-05 : 00:26

How are they going to get that ugly stain out of the carpet?

Pot head No. 9221 2017-10-05 : 17:19

I'm glad to see you guys actually showed the full face one. A lot won't. I had the pics before the story broke on major news outlets.

Anonymous No. 9228 2017-10-05 : 21:40

Where's the number 13 on his neck?

Anonymous No. 9321 2017-10-08 : 09:51

Our son is a FD/EMT who has worked a lot a of Gun shot suicides to head. He quickly pointed out several flaws in this picture. Gun position, lack of bulging eye, 3 stages of blood and etc.

Anonymous No. 9398 2017-10-10 : 05:08

Pure bull. There's no real splatter. Had he shot himself there'd be more splatter as he crumpled to the floor. Only oozing, and for all intents it looks like most of the blood on the floor originated from his mouth. Awful lot of blood out of his mouth for such a quick death. If it was slower there'd be more of a trail as he moved….

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