By: Earnest Jones | 01-07-2017 | News
Photo credit: The Goldwater

Kellogg’s Political Ties With The ‘Spirit Cooking’ Podesta’s Foundation

WikiLeaks revealed emails that proved John Podesta had attended a Spirit Cooking dinner party at Marina Abramovic’s house. It’s without a doubt that Satanism has infiltrated the Washington elite, after all we shouldn’t be surprised to find out that Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager John Podesta attends Satanic Spirit Cooking dinners. The disgusting Satanic rituals that infested Hillary Clinton’s campaign are just a tip of the iceberg of how far Podesta and his team are willing to go to meet their political agendas. It’s no surprise that the W.K. Kellogg Foundation gave money to the far-Left Center for American Progress which was founded by John Podesta, the head of Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.

The Kellogg Foundation also funded another organization, the Washington Center for Equitable Growth, which has also listed Podesta as a founder. The sum-total of money that the Kellogg Foundation gave the two organizations amounts to two million dollars.

As reported by the Kellogg Foundation is the namesake nonprofit wing of the Kellogg Company, the same organization that pulled all of its advertising from Breitbart News claiming that Breitbart is not aligned with its values. This simply implied that Breitbart fearless reporting was too much for the liberal snowflakes at the cereal giant to handle.

Kellogg nonprofit describes itself as being founded in 1930 as an independent, among the largest philanthropic foundations in the United States, and a private foundation by breakfast cereal pioneer Will Keith Kellogg.

The nonprofit Foundation alleges that its mission is to create conditions for vulnerable children so that they can realize their full potential while at school, work and life. However, no word has been put out as to whether the companies’ values align with those of Will Keith’s the founder.

It has become very clear that the Foundation is out to fund and support the far-Left groups, including Podesta’s Center for American Progress which was reportedly described as the leading progressive think tank in Washington. The term ‘Progressive’ is simply a code word for regressive liberal authoritarianism.

The same Foundation has also funded Left-Wing groups such as George Soros Open Societies Institute, Black Lives Matter, and the Tides Foundation.

WikiLeaks released tens of thousands of emails in the weeks leading to the election. Apart from Podesta’s involvement in satanic rituals, it was evident that Podesta was inappropriately close to some members of the controversial mainstream media.

The leaks also revealed the Clinton campaign was actually hoping that Trump would win the GOP nomination since they were so confident that they would win the election. It was also evident that Hillary Clinton was very close to Wall Street, due to the several speeches she gave for financial gains. Every mindful citizen ought to boycott the Kellogg company as urged by Breitbart.

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