A drunken woman was saved from an oncoming train just on time in a suburban station in Melbourne as you can see from the CCTV images.
The woman can first be seen crossing the tracks and then clearly has some trouble getting on the platform.
As an oncoming train can be noticed moving towards her, three service officers rush towards the woman to save her.
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This alarming clip renews the call for screen doors separating the waiting platform from the train itself to be fitted at all Australian train stations.
Mr. Daniel Bowen of the Public Transport Users Association admits there have been many incidents like this all across Australia already and that so far they are lucky no one has been killed.
“There have even been incidents of mothers’ prams or strollers rolling on to the track,” he said. A platform screen could act like a wall along the platform with doors, so it would greatly reduce incidents like this happening.”
When asked about the incident in question, Mr. Bowen stated: “She appears to be intoxicated and there’s always a danger that people can end up on the tracks when they’re in that state. Platform screen doors are difficult to fit retrospectively, which is why they are being fitted on new lines like the Melbourne Metro for example, but not on existing stations.”
“The idea is new in Australia, but in certain parts of Europe and Asia they have retrospectively fitted screen doors.”
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The Victoria Police, who was called afterward, admitted that if it wasn’t for the quick-thinking of the present service officers, the woman would have always been killed.
The train driver admitted seeing the woman and applying the emergency brakes but because of the sheer size and weight of the train, he claims it would never have stopped in time.
Waw, that's too close for comfort.