By: Steve Dellar | 12-18-2017 | News
Photo credit: @TODAYonline | Twitter

South Korean K-Pop Star Dies In Apparent Suicide

South Korean superstar and famous K-Pop singer Jonghyun of the boy band Shinee, full name Kim Jong-hyun, was taken to hospital in an unconscious state and later died.

According to preliminary police reports, suicide will be investigated as a possibility.

<blockquote class="twitter-video" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">this will always be one of my favourite shinee performances for 2 reasons<br>1. jonghyun&#39;s vocals and high note<br>2. him being a massive dork at the end, every time i think of kibum i always say key the same way he does <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; jess || ☾ (@velvetpjm) <a href="">December 18, 2017</a></blockquote>

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The statement from Gangnam Police: “On December 18, 2017, at 4:42 PM Jonghyun's older sister reported to Police that her brother was about to commit suicide. We went to his residence in Chungdam and discovered that he had attempted to commit suicide.”

“Emergency responders were with us at the time so we rushed him to the Konkuk University Hospital in a state of cardiac arrest.”

Just as many of his pop and rock peers, young Jonghyun was only 27 years old at the time of his passing. He shot to fame with the band Shinee in 2008, and afterward the boy band also became big in Japan.

He launched a successful solo career in 2015 and both alone and with his band scored multiple number one hits in South Korea.

At the moment his cause of death is thought to be carbon monoxide poisoning, which may have been caused by breathing in fumes. Police are still investigating.

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News reports are also stating that Jonghyun sent his sister a suicide note, which is when she called police to help him. Jonghyun texted the suicide note to her: “It’s been really hard for me until now. Please let me go, and tell me I’ve worked hard, last good bye.”


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