By: Kyle James | 12-23-2017 | News
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Mentally Ill Transgender Store Selling Fake Penises for 8-Year-Old Kids

A website has surfaced selling disturbing wares targeted to children that include sex toys for transgender kids. No, I'm not making this up.

Here is the welcome message from the site, "TransKids is a space dedicated to providing young folks with gender expression gear and resources. We are just getting started here so we'd love to hear your ideas about products that you'd like to see! Check out the About Us Page for a link to our email to read more about who we are. XOXO"

This is a very disturbed person who is trying to provide 'two-pronged' sex toys for 'maximum pleasure' under the guise of providing faux penises for children. Hold on a minute, you're thinking, maybe "young folks" refers to teens and older? Nope. This mentally ill person is advertising and advocating providing these sex toys to children.

<img src="" style="max-height:640px;max-width:360px;">

<span style="margin-top:15px;rgba(42,51,6,0.7);font-size:12px;">Credit: Screenshot</span>

The website appears to be run by a person named Sarah who also runs another site for trans men according to the 'About Us' section. Here is an example of the type of products they're providing for children.

<img src="" style="max-height:640px;max-width:360px;">

<span style="margin-top:15px;rgba(42,51,6,0.7);font-size:12px;">Credit: Screenshot</span>

The website also has a section for providing confusing books to children as well. Some examples of titles include "My Princess Boy" and "Jacob's New Dress". Way to go, let's give children who are suffering from identity issues and possible trauma even more confusing rhetoric in the form of a bad children's book to go along with their new 'fake penis'.

Obviously, there are complex psychological things going on with a child that has gender dysphoria and exacerbating the problem by telling them they need to wear prosthetic sex organs is border-line criminal.

<i>On Twitter:</i>

<a href="">@ErvinProduction</a>

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5 Comment/s
Anonymous No. 14550 2017-12-23 : 05:25

It is pedophile activism.

Anonymous No. 14569 2017-12-23 : 11:47

Hurray my /pol/ post made it to goldwater.

Anonymous No. 14571 2017-12-23 : 12:40


Just in time for Christmas.

Anonymous No. 14584 2017-12-23 : 17:42

Sodomites should be publicly guillotined.

/pol/ No. 14636 2017-12-25 : 07:44

Need to gas these trsnsfags. They have gone too far.

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