By: Printz | 12-23-2017 | Entertainment
Photo credit: Goldwater

Story Behind the Story : The Earth Is Flat

Deep Flat Earth Discussion with our folks at Revolution Radio. Dr. True, Red Foot, and Major James Burdock will give you a deeper insight.

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5 Comment/s
Anonymous No. 14552 2017-12-23 : 05:41

is this fucking for real?

Anonymous No. 14554 2017-12-23 : 05:50

Man, I was annoyed within 5 seconds. Stream abandoned. Is there an aural equivalent to bleach in the eyes?

Anonymous No. 14558 2017-12-23 : 06:42

This is sad. I remember reading about these fools a few years back but figured they all live in a retard covenant in commiefornia till early this week. I HAD an employee that was talking shit about how we all got it wrong and that earth really is flat. At first we all laughed thinking he was just being a funny guy but he got visabily upset and started ranting that WE are all the idiots going thru life blindfolded, not opening our eyes and minds to other ways things might be.

We sent him for a random UA and we are one less flat earther snowflake. Now the running joke is if you think the earth is flat… what kind of dope are you on?

Anonymous No. 14568 2017-12-23 : 11:02

There are people that believe that Elvis is still alive.

For such people they fall into 1 of 3 groups :

1. Mental illness.

2. Gullibility.

3. IQ deficiency .

mckeillymartinez No. 94011 2019-04-10 : 01:04

good because you can learn more think at and get more grade

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