By: MAG-001 | 12-24-2017 | News
Photo credit: Oleksandr |

Corrupt Vermont Dems Sell Out To Islamist Carpet-Bagger

||| Oleksandr | |||

You probably haven't heard the name Faisal Gill before unless you are a Vermonter, a Virginian or a radical Islamist. Enter Faisal Gill.

Now Faisal Gill is a very peculiar character. Born in Pakistan. A Muslim. Came to America when he was aged 8 or 9. Did well in school, served in the US Navy and became an attorney, practicing international law in private practice and making tons of money in the process. Faisal Gill was appointed by George W. Bush to serve at the President's pleasure as the Director of Intelligence Policy at the Department of Homeland Security.

Faisal Gill has been and is probably still being investigated by the FBI due to his connections to the Islamic terror nexus known as the Muslim Brotherhood, He has established ties to Jihadi terrorists His email address appears on a list of terror suspects and supporters that also includes Al Qaeda leader Anwar Al-Awlaki, Committee on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) leader Nihad Awad Faisal Gill also worked for the American Muslim Council (a front organization for the Muslim Brotherhood.) The chief founder of the AMC is a man named Abdul Rahman al-Amoudi, who went to prison for being involved in a terror plot. To quote this savage barbarian, “I think if we were outside this country, we can say, ‘Oh, Allah, destroy America,’ but once we are here, our mission in this country is to change it.”

Also, as an attorney practicing international law, Faisal Gill represented the Islamic government of the nation of Sudan, who was being sued by the victims of genocide by Sudan against Christians and other non-Muslims.

For years, Faisal Gill tried to get his foot in the door of the elected office in Virginia REPUBLICAN circles. He ran for a seat in the state legislature and lost. He licked his wounds, packed his Islamic carpet-bag and transplanted himself to Vermont.

Within a short time, Gill resolved to re-invent himself as a "Bernie Progressive."

Gill passed out over $150,000 in "campaign contributions" to the dirty Vermont Dems. Then he ran for a seat in the Vermont legislature as a "Democrat" and lost. Yet when he was suddenly elected the state chair of the Vermont State Democratic Party! One expensive seat.

None in Vermont government batted an eyelash - they were all too busy counting out the scores of thousands of dollars Gill had gifted them.

Then an insignificant man named Christopher Hayden dared to speak out by sending Faisal Gill a series of strongly worded emails, for which he has been charged with the 1st Amendment abrogating crime of "disturbing the peace" with a hate crime enhancement. Hayden has been vilified in the leftist news outlets of Vermont while Gill has seen no coverage of his nefarious background.

The only thing Mr. Hayden ever promised Faisal Gill was that if he did not leave Vermont politics, he would soon wish he had. PROMISE KEPT.

Faisal Gill made the error of pulling his strings of influence to have this story badly misrepresented in the media in Vermont. This got ordinary Vermonters wondering what he was doing leading the Vermont Dems, considering his background as a George W. Bush spook. After mere months as chair of the Vermont Dems, he was caught in his own trap and soon resigned in shame. In leaving, he wistfully told one reporter "I have been a strong Democrat since 2005." Except that he was running as a conservative Republican in Virginia in 2007.

Meanwhile, Faisal Gill is actually MARRIED to one of the prosecutors in the state's attorney's office that filed the charges against Hayden. Her name is Aimee Griffin.

And you thought Vermont was all ice cream and maple syrup,…

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3 Comment/s
Mary C. No. 14619 2017-12-24 : 14:00

Incredible! Every Vermonter should have to read this. Every American, even. These sneaky snakes are coming from every direction!

Patricia D No. 14632 2017-12-25 : 02:52

Article was informative. Goal of Muhamedans infiltrate & subvert from within-goal of SocialCommies is infiltrate & subvert from within-now many are on to it, seems happening at alarming rate=NWO. Christians should be especially alert when Pope says this

Christian Price No. 14607 2018-07-28 : 18:44

It's not complicated once you learn the ball from the bounce. Radical Moslems are deadly snakes. Moderate Moslems are the grass they hide in. A radical Moslem wants to rape your daughters, castrate and enslave your sons and chop your fucking head off. A moderate Moslem wants a radical Moslem to rape your daughters, castrate and enslave your sons and chop your fucking head off. Any questions?

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