The Trump Administration has released the annual ‘Nuclear Posture Review', which is an annual report on the state of America's nuclear arsenal.
The annual report brings forth a new analysis of our past capabilities, a desire for funding from Congress to ensure America's military strength, and even forewarnings of advanced Russian technology that could make headway into the world's military spectrum.
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While it's crucial that America steps into the 21st Century in terms of nuclear capabilities, and expand our potential to strike and destroy any target worldwide in a moment's notice, there's also the calm reminder that the United States of America is indeed the world's preeminent nuclear superpower.
<strong><span style="color:red;"><a href="">Here's a direct link to the Nuclear Posture Review from the United States Department of Defense</a></span></strong>
<p style=" margin: 12px auto 6px auto; font-family: Helvetica,Arial,Sans-serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; font-size: 14px; line-height: normal; font-size-adjust: none; font-stretch: normal; -x-system-font: none; display: block;"> <a title="View Executive Summary Nuclear Posture Review on Scribd" href="" style="text-decoration: underline;" >Executive Summary Nuclear Posture Review</a> by <a title="View Red Pill's profile on Scribd" href="" style="text-decoration: underline;" >Red Pill</a> on Scribd</p><iframe class="scribd_iframe_embed" title="Executive Summary Nuclear Posture Review" src="" data-auto-height="false" data-aspect-ratio="0.75" scrolling="no" id="doc_12055" width="1600" height="2133" frameborder="0"></iframe>
That being said there have been decades of mishaps with harmful nuclear proliferation agreements with foreign powers that promises to dismantle many of both agreeing nations nuclear warheads.
We have zero reasons to believe that the opposing nations comply with the treaties, despite nations such as Russia at one time selling many of their dismantled nuclear weapons.
We do know inside of America many of our nuclear installations have been allowed to degrade and remain unkempt, and we know President Trump has vowed to restore the United States of America's military and with it comes the nuclear potential.
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We also know that without a shadow of a doubt everything that we once thought we understood about Nuclear Weapons was theorized with readings and measures which used outdated standards.
This essentially means that what America is capable of learning from a nuclear weapons test today would be far more accurate with modern technology.
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After witnessing now declassified nuclear weapons tests from many decades ago were also able to determine the excessive damage of what our military might is capable of reaching in terms of destructive power a half-century ago.
The shocking truth is that as civilians even we truly have no idea what our military's arsenal was capable of, but we know it would shake the earth to its foundation.
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With overwhelming threats rising from North Korea and tensions increased with Russia,
So it should come as no surprise that under the Nuclear Posture Review via the<a href=""> Executive Summary </a>that President Donald J. Trump directed the review to ensure a safe, secure and effective nuclear deterrent, White said during a Pentagon news conference.
Deputy Defense Secretary Patrick M. Shanahan, Deputy Energy Secretary Dan Brouillette and Under-Secretary of State for Political Affairs Thomas A. Shannon Jr. will brief reporters on the strategy tomorrow at the Pentagon, she said.
The Nuclear Posture Review will confirm the importance of the nuclear triad, she said, adding that the strategy relies on stable, predictable budgets.
White further noted that in one week, the short-term continuing resolution that is funding the government will expire. She called on Congress to "pass a budget and write the check."
There's also a crucial warning: that of a Russian "super weapon" known as ‘Status-6".
This has caused increasing alarm inside of the Department of Defense with already dramatic changes between the United States of America's relationship with Russia as a direct result of the Democratic Party's attempts to cast shame and doubt upon the Russian powerhouse.
Status-6 is the codename for the Russian weapon, which is said to be shaped like a giant torpedo with the length of a submarine.
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The United States of America has known about Status-6 since at least 2015 when the Russian government offered a presentation that seems to "accidentally" show a slide of the schematics for the weapon, although most believe this was an intentional move.
"The radius of total or near-total destruction is the size of a pretty large metropolitan area, actually," says Edward Geist, a Russia specialist at the Rand Corp.
The report seems to suggest that Status-6 is a "doomsday device", meaning that it has the potential to be the most destructive weapon on the planet.
Of course, we don't know for sure, it's based upon speculation from the world's leading nuclear scientists and military hardware experts.
There's an ongoing debate as to whether the weapon is in itself a nuclear submarine if it's a unique missile, or even if it's a hoax entirely.
What's certainly clear is that the Russian government seemingly implies that it's developing modern technology to counter the United States, and the response from America must be to react accordingly with our own unmatched technology.
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Currently, the most popular belief is that Status-6, also known "Kanyon", is a purported nuclear-powered and nuclear-armed unmanned underwater vehicle developed or being developed by the Russian Federation. It would supposedly be able to deliver a thermonuclear cobalt bomb of up to 100 megatons against an enemy's naval ports and coastal cities. "Kanyon" is the name given this drone by the Central Intelligence Agency.
Many of today's leading experts believe the Status-6 is capable of producing a tsunami 500 meters high, which means it could wreck if not destroy coastal cities or the naval fortresses of American bases all across the globe.
This is no doubt a reason for the United States of America to begin again its research and development process of promising we will remain the world's preeminent superpower if it has ever deterred at all.
While black operations have existed for decades to test our own classified weapons, the proposed budget for ensuring America's public nuclear arsenal can be maintained continues to be ignored by the irrelevant Democratic Party in Congress, all while simultaneously screeching about alleged Russian meddling into American elections.
It's a grave concern of every human on the planet to be reminded that the arms race is a life and well in 2018, and we undoubtedly need to guarantee that the United States of America will lead the world as the <i>only</i> catastrophic force to be reckoned with.
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