By: Philip | 02-24-2018 | News
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Reddit Asian Identity Group Crowdfunds Porn As Revenge Against 4chan

Reddit's /r/aznidentity is a group dedicated to advocating for the Asian identity movement. Despite technically being POC (people of color) by most definitions, they have historically not received the same sorts of benefits afforded to other "protected" minority groups. Where African Americans and Hispanics have secondary education incentivized in the form of grants, scholarships and affirmative action that allows acceptance with lower standardized test scores, <a href="">Asian students often face university quotas on admittance and, in some cases, <a href="">must score higher than their white counterparts</a> even in order to earn admittance. In addition to this, it's been long widely held that the <a href="">Ivy Leagues and other top schools may discriminate against Asian candidates</a>.

There are several issues that Asian Americans face that don't get the same kind of attention as those of groups with better representation, so an Asian Identity movement makes sense. Most recently, the subreddit /r/aznidentity are taking on "4chan white supremacists" by crowdfunding an Asian Male-White Female (AMWF) porn movie. Their goal was to generate "maximum outrage" from the 4chan community, i.e. "trigger" the trolls.

The news of this spread to both 4chan and 8chan's /pol/ boards where it inspired some fiery debate and discussion. Many anon are scratching their heads at why /r/aznidentity feels they are the enemy in the first place. As is pointed out, many /pol/ addicted anon have no issues with Asians in the first place. Another goal was to "sexualize" Asian males.

One anon at 8chan feels the whole affair seems a bit desperate:

<quote>paying two people to make porn while you watch and pay for it again, that's pretty much the most passive-aggressive cuck thing to do.</quote>

I reached out to the organizer, reddit user the0clean0slate who was not interested in speaking with me or The Goldwater in relation to this story. Elsewhere he was reported to have explained some of his goals thusly:

<blockquote>“Whenever we see a racist anti-Asian incident, we can literally create a porn parody of it.” On what it will accomplish, he writes: “(1) More positive AM representation. (2) Piss the white racist off. (3) Counter productive for the white racist (they just managed to cuck themselves with more AMWF porn). (4) And something we can actually jerk off to, where the AM and his sex partner actually enjoy and love sex. (5) And you get off more women who love AM but can’t find AM porn (other than sexually regressive JAV stuff).”</blockquote>

The creator of HookTube, Reddit user swack was also involved in as far as <a href="">helping get the word out via the site</a>.

Several anon at 8chan weighed in on what many felt was an unecessary solution to an imaginary problem:

<blockquote>"I haven't heard any anti-oriental propaganda from chans. This is nonsense. Therefore given the similarities, it makes sense that the purpose is merely to make the "WHITE MAN™" the enemy of everyone.

We also know that they don't seek victim status, not even in the US, where every one is a victim.

I am not angry, offended, or have any such emotions. I am bona fide confused and feel bad for these guys […]

It is more victimisation propaganda.

If ALL races as well as females are made to be felt as imaginary victims of the white man™, then the divide and conquer is complete.

Furthermore, why the obsession with white girls when asian girls are highly prized themselves? In my opinion this is so utterly american that as a eurofag I cannot comprehend how messed up the situation in America must be for something like this to be such a fuckhuge point of conflict.

Which brings me to the simple conclusion that these guys really, really need some sort of help. I pity them, this is truly unhealthy and I'd like to help them in some way but I know it is beyond me."</blockquote>

Despite what the members of the /aznidentity/ subreddit may think of how "the angry white supremacists" of /pol/ feel about them, there were several positive things said about the idea of an Asian identity movement, Asian nationalism on the whole and Asian persons in general:

<blockquote>"To put aside any theoretical accusation of "lol angry white boi" - Asians are the most numerous race on the planet. This is proof of your virility. You are capable of high cultural and civilizational achievements. You are also capable of War (Genghis Khan comes to mind first, and Sun Tzu, and WW2 Japan, and wars in China's history which defy reason). You are also sexually creative and imaginative, and have turned mere f*g into an art form (doujinshi, manga, hentai). Out of all the s**t that infests this planet it is only Whites and Asians that are capable of these things."</blockquote>

Others expressed solidarity with the Asian identity community:

"You will not make me hate you, anger me, or see you in a worse light because of this. I can only stand here in confusion. I only want to give these guys some sort of help, as I always do when I see people I like struggling with internal issues. I was also in that position. We all were. We all know that feel."

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">LMAO! That’s one way to address a lack of representatinon and piss off white racists . Kudos to the boys at r/aznidentity. I remember Cleanslate talking about this project in my apt and I’m glad to see it come to life :) <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Albert Hur (@AlbertHur888) <a href="">February 22, 2018</a></blockquote>

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Contrast this to how the <a href="">members of /aznidentity/ referring to the "white racists"</a> as typical school shooters, murderers of Asian females and child rapists.

<blockquote>What are white racists gonna do when they don't have their precious "small Asian d**k" jokes anymore?

Shoot up more schools, murder more AF's, you know, the usual…lol

[–]_PunxsutawneyPhil 11 points 14 hours ago

How can you forget their fave past time? Diddling kids!</blockquote>

It seems many of the members of the aznidentity group were mostly unaware of exactly what 4chan is, this is not uncommon. Misunderstanding and misinterpreting exactly what chan culture is and is about has been an essential part of the chans since at least as far back as the initial Fox News story about the "Anonymous" gang of "hackers on steroids" that was responsible for one of the first major influxes of <a href="">newfags</a> (Chan lingo for newbie to the site) to 4chan over a decade ago. "Is 4chan supposed to be a more troll version of reddit? I hear about it but I don't know anyone who actually uses it…" asked one Redditor at /r/aznidentity. Another user answered explaining: "4chan is mostly sad, autistic white kids trying to be edgy."

On the whole, there was definitely a larger percentage of members of /r/aznidentity who seemed to have a negative view of white males/4channers than channers looking down on Asians. This despite the fact than many anon couldn't help but point out how crowdfunding "a prostitute" to have sex with another man to "get back" at purported racists could potentially be the most cucked move imaginable. Leave it to the Asians to always manage some incredible innovations of an existing theme…


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3 Comment/s
Anonymous No. 19255 2018-02-24 : 19:19

This is the dumbest shit I have ever heard. I bet the dude in charge is a part of Antifa.

newredguards No. 19289 2018-02-25 : 02:24

I'm familiar with the chans, I was 15 when boxxy happened and remember trolling scientologists with project chanology.

why don't you look up Asian or Hapa in the archive instead of "Misunderstanding and misinterpreting exactly what chan culture"

It's interesting Channers are weeaboos and love asian women and kpop, but also think asians are backwards and hate and emasculate Asian men.

Why do they preach miscegenation for me but not for thee? If they love Asian women so much, stop being mad at stpeach for having an Asian partner

lolxd No. 19393 2018-02-26 : 07:50

Who's the chick she's hot

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