By: Philip | 04-03-2018 | News
Photo credit: Dreamstime

Yet Another Major Privacy Breach From Facebook

Blame it on a bug, eh? Facebook is claiming it was just a "bug" that saved copies of deleted videos and video drafts that users recorded but didn't post. Bug or not, it is in line with Project Veritas findings when speaking with Twitter engineers that the social media giants have server rooms full of everything you've ever said, deleted, tried to hide or wish you could forget.

Facebook has of course apologized. Like they did about their poll asking if pedophiles should be able to send sexual material to underage girls, or like when they let 50 million people's information be shared with Cambridge Analytica. Oddly, not so much of an apology regarding when the same thing happened under the Obama Administration in the former president's favor, oh well.

According to the Daily Mail, it isn't even clear what happened to the videos themselves though they were not shared. As for whether Facebook (or their "trusted" third parties) did anything else with it is anybody's guess. You can bet Zuckerberg and co. have bigger fish to fry before they're thrown into the fire themselves.

If you think that's creepy, bet you didn't know that if you have an Android phone Google "randomly" records snippets of you and your friends talking when it's on and some of those snippets can be heard in a hidden spot in your Google account. "Ah, the better to improve our voice to speech technology, my dears…"

You can find the videos by "downloading your info" they will be found in one of the many zip files. If you've been using Facebook for years there are potentially gigs that will show up in the zip file. Every conversation you've ever had, every post you've made to your wall… And videos you or your friends deleted or never posted.

It's no wonder the FAANGs are losing ground this quarter and yet another reason to #deletefacebook.


Twitter: #CambridgeAnalytica #DeleteFacebook

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2 Comment/s
Anonymous No. 22207 2018-04-03 : 18:32

Sure Zuck, that's why there was tape on your laptop.


Anonymous No. 22222 2018-04-03 : 22:30

I thought everyone covered their cameras? I have done it ever since my 1st device that came with a built in cam and not because of fagbook but cause sitting all day behind a laptop is less stressful w/o a camera staring in my face

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