By: Kyle James | 04-11-2018 | News
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North Carolina - European Airline Strike Leaves US Students Stranded (Video)

Students from several high schools who were traveling to Germany to perform during spring break were left stranded in Europe due to an airline strike. According to the students' parents, they were unable to return home after a strike canceled thousands of European flights.

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The Tri-High Chorus consists of students from Apex High School, Middle Creek High School, and Garner High School. The European airline strike is not just limited to airport workers but includes workers in the public sectors including bus drivers and hospital workers but the strike had not impacted German airports until this week.

The student's chaperone Jeff Teague said the group consists of 120 students which have been broken into several smaller groups that traveled to various European cities in order to bypass the airline strike and return home to North Carolina. Teague's group is in Paris which is where he shot the video Tuesday that he shared on Facebook showing students singing to a bus driver in exchange for a ride to their hotel.

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Teague added that the students hadn't slept in an about a day when they performed in the video. The group of 26 students and six chaperones are looking to board an American Airlines flight at 11 a.m. Wednesday and return home but won't be sure if they will be able to board until that morning.

There are still groups of students in Venice and Italy Tuesday with no flights scheduled to get home. One group did manage to make it back to the United States and is currently in Atlanta, Georgia who are expected to reach their home in North Carolina Tuesday night. A Wake County Public School System spokesperson said a travel agency is working with choral directors to get the students home safely.

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