||| Ufo Turkiye. Turkey | Facebook |||
There has been no shortage of UFO sightings so far this year, but this may be one of the more puzzling of recent videos. A video uploaded by a Facebook group called "UFO Turkiye. Turkey" shows what appears to be a typical disc-shaped UFO hovering in the sky.
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Related coverage: <a href="https://thegoldwater.com/news/22611-Chilling-UFO-Mothership-Caught-On-Video">Chilling UFO Mothership Caught On Video</a>
The video has garnered over 17,000 views and nearly 300,000 shares on Facebook alone and appears to show a dark, circular object hovering in the sky. It has been widely shared on YouTube and Facebook but no definite explanations have been reached. The video comes just weeks after another video was shot by Kerry Forides while traveling over the Aegean Sea.
<img src="https://media.8ch.net/file_store/8ce585e5b7325e1e9b5d3aa64f507104317ade3adad99efe957efad76ffe9a77.png" style="max-height:640px;max-width:360px;">
<span style="margin-top:15px;rgba(42,51,6,0.7);font-size:12px;">Ufo Turkiye. Turkey | Facebook</span>
Related coverage: <a href="https://thegoldwater.com/news/21633-Arizona-UFO-Sighting-Reported-By-Two-Separate-Commercial-Pilots-Audio">Arizona - UFO Sighting Reported By Two Separate Commercial Pilots (Audio)</a>
Forides wrote of his video over the Aegean Sea, "It appears to be flying away at right angles from our commercial jet and somehow without either of us appearing to turn we end up almost following it." Another commercial jet passenger reported a similar sighting recently on a plane traveling to Athens, Greece.
Last year the U.S. Department of Defense released video footage from military jets chasing an unidentified flying object. It was widely reported on by mainstream media including The New York Times who first broke the story. The story represents a shift in how the media has changed from mocking the phenomena on every opportunity to providing actual investigative journalism that takes the topic seriously.
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Source: https://au.be.yahoo.com/lifestyle/a/39837280/ufo-filmed-in-the-sky-over-turkey/
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Quick run down to Dollar Tree and buy 10 blue, sliver to red triangle Helium Balloons and 5 packages of Super Glue. You could toss in a few LED button lites that the run off watch batteries for a good Night prank release.
Glue them together, release and watch the News Reports.
This is as fake as it can be.
Was the Jet they were flying in stationary too and a lone bird/butterfly at 30K feet?