By: Lexy | 04-24-2018 | News
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Planned Parenthood Lawsuit Against Indiana Over New Abortion Law (Graphic)

A new Indiana law requires medical providers to report detailed patient information to the State for women who are treated for complications due to abortions.

Planned Parenthood filed a lawsuit on Monday that seeks to block two of the law’s provisions; claiming the law “imposes unique and burdensome obligations" that are unconstitutional.

The federal suit contends that the reporting rules and a separate provision requiring annual inspections of abortion clinics are both unconstitutional because they target only abortions and abortion providers and not other procedures or clinics.

Planned Parenthood is asking a federal judge to block the two provisions, which are set to take effect July 1.

"Once again Indiana politicians are barging into the exam room with irrational demands and intrusive requirements," said Jane Henegar, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Indiana, which filed the suit on behalf of Planned Parenthood of Indiana and Kentucky

The suit contends reporting requirements for complications arising from abortions creates "vague and uncertain standards" that are written so broadly "as to be meaningless."

Many of the purported abortion complications the law lists "are both extremely rare for abortions and are more likely to occur after other medical procedures," according to the suit. One condition the law lists — blood clots — is a typical and short-lived side effect of having an abortion, it argues.

Christie Gillespie, president and CEO of Planned Parenthood of Indiana and Kentucky, said in a statement that the new law "is not about patient safety" and adds that abortion care "is already incredibly safe."

She added that restrictions are "yet another attempt by politicians to shame and stigmatize pregnant Hoosiers and spread the myth that abortion is dangerous."

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">What Liberals May Not Be Telling Women: The Many Side Effects of Abortion!<a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#AbortionIsMurder</a><a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#Abortion</a><a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#LifeIsPrecious</a><a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#SaveALife</a><a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#ChildrenUnderAttack</a><a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#FridayFeeling</a> <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#FridayMotivation</a> <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#ProLife</a> <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#ChooseLife</a> <a href="">@TheGoldWaterUS</a> <a href="">@realDonaldTrump</a> <br>/1<a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Lexy (@PoliticallyRYT) <a href="">March 23, 2018</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Short-term side effects of common abortion procedures are not well-known. Basically, the most common method is done by stretching the cervix with dilators and inserting a tube attached to a syringe to suction the fetus out.

Complications of the surgical vacuum method can include:

Abdominal swelling and pain after abortion

Excessive bleeding

Uterine perforation

Incomplete or partial birth abortion

Cervical tears

Death (in rare extreme cases.

The side effects of medically induced abortion are:

Excessive uterine bleeding

Frequent uterine pain

Ruptured ectopic pregnancy

Pelvic infection

Incomplete abortion




Long-term side effects include the following:



Post-Abortion Syndrome

Sexual dysfunction

Other psychological disorders and emotional effects of abortion

The effects of abortion cost more than the physical health but can also affect the emotional and mental health of a woman.

A feeling of guilt

major depression

suicidal tendencies

anxiety disorders

Some women even have hallucinations or paranoia associated with pregnancy symptoms.

Women also experience the following for as long as two to four weeks after an abortion:

Spotting and Bleeding

Vaginal smelling discharge

Abdominal and Back pain





Serious Complications After an Abortion- Severe abortion complications happen in less than 1 out of 100 first trimester abortions and in about 1 out of 50 abortions done in later terms. The risks include:

Organ damage

Persistent heavy bleeding

Infections or sepsis

Cervical damage

Uterine perforation

Scarring of the uterine lining


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<span style="margin-top:15px;rgba(42,51,6,0.7);font-size:12px;">Credit: </span>

Mike Fichter, the president and CEO of Indiana Right to Life, which supported the legislation, called the lawsuit "sadly predictable" and said the reporting provision "brings needed transparency to the abortion industry."

"Almost every time Indiana lawmakers pass legislation to protect women's health and safety, the abortion giant runs to activist judges to block the laws," he said in a written statement.

Indiana Attorney General Curtis Hill's office defends the state's laws against legal challenges. Spokesman Bill McCleery said in a statement that the office "will carefully review this lawsuit and consider what next steps, if any, to pursue in this case."

Republican Gov. Eric Holcomb praised the law when he signed it on March 25, saying that it's similar to what many other states have enacted.

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<b>By: Lexy </b>

<b><i>On Twitter? Follow me:</i></b>

<a href="">@PoliticallyRYT</a>

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14 Comment/s
Amer Truth Seeker No. 23984 2018-04-24 : 02:17

Good Article, Horrible Video!

John Layser No. 23989 2018-04-24 : 02:47

Another well researched and thought out article. No matter what side of the debate we are on a civil, cognitive conversation can be had. A statement of facts is not disputable with emotional outbursts. This is a personal decision as was the decision to create the child in the 1st place. If it was consentual, you made your choice. If it was forced, prosecute.

Mona No. 23990 2018-04-24 : 02:52

Young women need to know that complications may last a lifetime, affect the ideal family they hope to have in their future, with a possibility of permanent physical problems they never thought about when they were young

AynRandFan No. 23991 2018-04-24 : 02:54

Christie Gillespie says that abortion "is already incredibly safe." The question that comes to mind is, safe for who? Certainly not the child! Abortion is the law of the land but why must tax payers like me, subsidize this barbaric practice! I believe the psychological pathology for many women can be traced back to the abortion preformed years prior.

Bob No. 23992 2018-04-24 : 03:03

Another informative article. Thank you Lexy

The Deplorable Infidel No. 23994 2018-04-24 : 03:12


Great article. Well researched and thought out. No matter where you stand on this volitile issue one thing reigns supreme. This is a personal decision just as the creation of the child was. If it was consentual, the "choice" was already made. If it was forced, prosecute. Abortion for convenience is…

Anonymous No. 24002 2018-04-24 : 04:31

This is so fucked up… On the other hand I'm for abortion when it comes to niggers and half nigger hybrids (rape victims) … Kikes too.

Jungle Bunny McMonkey No. 24003 2018-04-24 : 04:34

I agree, I'm a nigger and I should've been aborted since I shot out da nutsack.

Anonymous No. 24022 2018-04-24 : 08:23

The state of Indiana has great people who are taking steps to stop the carnage of new think leftist crap! The ACLU only protects the crap. The racketeering of death must stop!

Uncomfortable.. thmx 4 4red pill No. 24102 2018-04-25 : 03:20

Informative yet sad….. these topics NEED to be revealed/ discuss. 🙏🏼 thanks Lexy.

Intense No. 24175 2018-04-25 : 18:25

Wow… informative! All much too much so…. thanks to the the author!

Anonymous No. 24184 2018-04-25 : 19:43

Abortion lowers crime and creates jobs. I don't understand how people can want society to improve but be against abortion. You think we need more unwanted children to grow up neglected? How do you think babby criminals are formed?

Matthew No. 24276 2018-04-26 : 20:43

Well researched. Heartbreaking to think women would risk all the complications just to kill a baby.

SandyLee No. 24743 2018-05-01 : 19:21

I personally know a female that suffered uncontrolled bleeding after the abortion. It's no laughing matter. Those that make a joke about abortion and complications that can arise are morons. Planned Parenthood is not pro-woman. They are pro $$$ and pro-body parts only.

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