By: Steve Dellar | 05-06-2018 | News
Photo credit: Twitter | @parismatch

France - Diplomatic Row Over Trump’s Paris Attack Remarks

Politicians in France reacted furiously over the speech US President Donald Trump gave to an assembly of the NRA in which he declared that the 13 November 2015 Paris attacks would have had a very different outcome should the people of Paris themselves be carrying guns.

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Mr Trump used his hands and fingers to imitate a gun and stated that it would have been ‘a whole different story’ with different gun laws in France. He stated: "If one employee, or just one patron had a gun, or if one person in this room had been there with gun, aimed at the opposite direction, the terrorists would have fled or been shot."

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">François Hollande, who was French president during Nov. 13 attacks, calls Trump&#39;s NRA remarks &quot;shameful.&quot; <a href="">@Potus</a> comments &quot;said a lot about what he thinks of France and its values.&quot; <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Jim Roberts (@nycjim) <a href="">May 6, 2018</a></blockquote>

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Former President François Hollande, ruler of France at the time of the attacks, said Mr Trump’s words were "shameful" and "obscene" and requested that the current government of President Emmanuel Macron would demand an apology. His prime minister at the time, Mr Manuel Valls, soon followed suit and made similar demands.

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Mr Macron, who has a very good working relationship with his US counterpart, clearly did not want to speak about the matter himself as not to offend Mr Trump, but did have his foreign office send a statement as a matter of appeasement to the political critics in France.

The foreign office said: "France expresses its firm disapproval of President Trump's comments about the Paris attacks on Nov. 13, 2015 and demands that the memory of the victims be respected."

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">François Hollande, who was French president at the time of the attacks, said Mr Trump&#39;s remarks were &quot;shameful&quot;. They &quot;said a lot about what he thinks of France and its values&quot;, he added.<br><br>Manuel Valls, tweeted: &quot;Indecent and incompetent. What more can I say?&quot;</p>&mdash; StandUp It Matters (@imademocrat1963) <a href="">May 6, 2018</a></blockquote>

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"Every country freely decides on its own laws on carrying firearms, as in other areas. France is proud to be a country where acquiring and carrying firearms is strictly regulated."


Twitter: #QAnon #Trump #Sundaymorning #France #USA #GOP

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3 Comment/s
Anonymous No. 25225 2018-05-06 : 15:29

France is proud to have citizens with minimal agency in regards to self protection. Autistic and cucked. No wonder France ends up the butt of so many jokes.

Jollee No. 25226 2018-05-06 : 15:31

US President is right!

Anonymous No. 25234 2018-05-06 : 16:32

It's a complicated issue. B

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