By: Steve Dellar | 05-10-2018 | News
Photo credit: Rainer Clotz |

Germany – Berlin Court Rules Muslim Primary School Teacher Cannot Wear Headscarf

In another example of the messy patchwork which is the German law that decided on the wearing of religious symbols in public buildings, a German labour court decided that a Berlin primary school teacher was not allowed to wear her Islamic headscarf whilst in front of the children, as the local law forbids it.

The law varies across German states, as the constitutional court ruled a few years ago that each state has the right to decide for themselves how to deal with the issue. The different laws create various problems in the 16 different provinces and states of Germany.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Germany: Berlin court backs headscarf ban for teacher <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Voice of Europe (@V_of_Europe) <a href="">May 9, 2018</a></blockquote>

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For example, the teacher would have probably been allowed to wear the headscarf in Bremen, in the north west. In North Rhine-Westphalia on the other hand, the issue is decided on a case-by-case basis.

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A further problem is that in other cases in the German capital Berlin, the courts have decided differently in the past. Just last year, the same labour court ruled that a school had broken anti-discrimination laws by refusing another Muslim teacher a job. At that moment, the court said that the school had been unable to prove that the said headscarf was a "threat to peace at the school".

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">A Muslim primary school teacher in Berlin can’t teach wearing a headscarf, after a court said a rule that bans religious clothing doesn’t impact her constitutional rights. <br><br>Germany doesn’t have a national ban on headscarves, but each of its 16 states have different laws. <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; AJ+ (@ajplus) <a href="">May 9, 2018</a></blockquote>

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In other Western European nations, there is a blanket ban on the wearing of religious symbols in public buildings enforced by the federal government, making any local cases unnecessary, but German law in this regard is quite different.

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The mayor of the German capital, Mr Michael Müller, said he fully stood behind Berlin's neutrality law.


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4 Comment/s
Anonymous No. 25627 2018-05-10 : 11:06

It seem State Rights do tend to slow down or halt Deep Swampers / Open Border type Socialists worldwide.

Anonymous No. 25638 2018-05-10 : 14:10

Why did it had

Anonymous No. 25639 2018-05-10 : 14:11

Why did it had to go to court? It's a waste of time.

Anonymous No. 25642 2018-05-10 : 14:15


It had to go to court, because there are not enough vigilantes, or privately owned guns in Germany to take her out appropriately. So it is just a waste of time for the court.

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