Authorities have arrested 11 people including Disney World and Legoland employees in connection with their undercover child pornography investigation. The Polk County Sheriff’s Office said the “Operation Guardians of Innocence II” arrested men involved in the possession, promotion and distribution of child pornography.
The sheriff’s office also said the suspects will face 660 felony charges while more charges are pending.
Sheriff Grady Judd also said in a news release that most of the images they saw during the probe depicted children being sexually battered that they have seen before. They have yet to identify any local child victims but said that it will be part of their investigation.
Among those arrested include 10 men and a 16-year-old boy. One of the men arrested identified as Roger Caley worked as a project manager at Walt Disney World. The 53-year-old Caley is charged with 24 counts of possession of child pornography and two counts of promotion of sexual performance by a child.
Another one of those arrested happened to be a builder for Merlin Entertainment’s Legoland. He is identified as Rickie Vargas-Garcia, 30, who is charged with 10 counts of possession of child pornography.
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The Goldwater previously reported following the controversies surrounding the firing of Roseanne for her supposedly racist tweets about the history of hiring convicted pedophiles and sexual predators.
The others arrested were Edward Zabrowski III, 48, charged with 64 counts of possession of child pornography and one count of the promotion of sexual performance of a child. There’s also Richard Cousins, 64, charged with 154 counts of possession of child pornography and three counts of promotion of sexual performance by a child.
Others charged were Bruce Nopper, 51, charged with 12 counts of possession of child pornography and one count of promotion of sexual performance by a child; Don Carrier, 84, charged with 200 counts of possession of child pornography.
Rounding up those arrested are Matthew Sentz, 35, charged with 100 counts of possession of child pornography and Jarrod Whitting, 24, charged with 14 counts of possession; Alejandro Baltzar II, 20, charged with 55 counts of possession of child pornography; and Donald Marich, 69, charged with 16 counts of possession of child pornography and three counts of promotion of sexual performance by a child.
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watch it boys don't go near the execs wouldn't wanna lose government funding.
I call bullshit… Everybody knows what they did to Julian Assange, falsely accusing him of child pronography, because it's just too easy… It's a sucker punch… Of course they never have to produce the 'evidence', because they're not allowed to show you child pronography… It's simply too convenient, and the perfect way to falsely accuse somebody of something that will trigger angry responses from people who hear about it.
I refuse to believe that every day now, they are finding hundreds of people in every Walk of Life core collecting or distributing child pronography… I refuse to believe it's really that big of a problem, and I say it's all bullshit. I don't believe a fucking word of it anymore
I call bullshit... Everybody knows what they did to Julian Assange, falsely accusing him of child pronography, because it's just too easy... It's a sucker punch... Of course they never have to produce the 'evidence', because they're not allowed to show you child pronography... It's simply too convenient, and the perfect way to falsely accuse somebody of something that will trigger angry responses from people who hear about it.
I refuse to believe that every day now, they are finding hundreds of people in every Walk of Life core collecting or distributing child pronography... I refuse to believe it's really that big of a problem, and I say it's all bullshit. I don't believe a fucking word of it anymore
but they all look like such nice guys…