A disturbing video made rounds on social media Tuesday showing a male run up to a cat and punt it into the air like a football. The cat flips through the air before landing limp on the ground. The video was taken in a field at Center High School as onlookers do nothing to stop the abuse. Once the cat lands, it doesn't move again.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Police seeking to ID man who violently kicked a cat at Center High School. If you recognize him, or the voice behind the camera, call KCPD. ANIMAL ABUSE IS NOT OK. <a href="https://t.co/ORVpVkirdr">pic.twitter.com/ORVpVkirdr</a></p>— FOX 4 News (@fox4kc) <a href="https://twitter.com/fox4kc/status/1009141335683674112?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">June 19, 2018</a></blockquote>
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Kansas City's Neighborhoods & Housing Services Department is now searching for the individuals in the video and plan to file animal cruelty charges. "It’s just horrific," communications liaison for the department John Baccala said. "I can’t imagine anyone doing that to an animal. It’s so horrifying to watch. It makes me sick to look at it."
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The man who kicked the kitten wore a purple visor, black tank top, purple basketball shorts, white socks, and black Under Armor cleats. The kicker lined up the kick with one finger in the air and took several running steps to build momentum. A voice can be heard in the background saying "Mother——- field goals."
"If someone’s going to treat an animal like that, how are they going to treat a human?" Baccala continued. He also said his organization received the video on may 25 from the high school principal and according to a time stamp on the video it was taken on may 22 at 7:31 p.m. The school and department have been unable to identify the kicker or the person who filmed it which is why the department has released the video.
Related coverage: <a href="https://thegoldwater.com/news/16318-Women-Had-1-000-Animals-And-Four-Kids-In-One-Home">Women Had 1,000 Animals And Four Kids In One Home</a>
It is unclear if the kicker or person filming were students of the high school or what their ages were. Baccala added at least two other people besides the kicker and the man filming were present. It is also unknown if the cat survived since it has not been found. "The cat doesn’t deserve that; that cat needs a voice," Baccala said. "That alone in my mind is good enough to try and find that individual."
Tory Fugate, director of marketing for the KC Pet Project, said she is used to seeing about 30 new animals every day and at least four or five of those animals have been through abuse. "To actually see the act of it happening to an animal is just so disturbing," Fugate said.
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Source: http://www.kansascity.com/news/local/crime/article213450484.html
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Happiness, is a road, lined with wooden crosses with niggers nailed to them.