By: Kyle James | 07-16-2018 | News
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Victim's Brother Reveals Novichok Was In Perfume Bottle

Earlier this year a dramatic series of events took place after an assassination attempt left a former Russian military intelligence officer Sergei Skripal and his daughter hospitalized. After the pair were exposed to a nerve agent developed by the Soviet Union called Novichok, Britain expelled twenty-three Russian diplomats as political tensions rose. Shortly after the Skirpals were hospitalized, two more people were exposed to the deadly nerve agent in the UK.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">&#39;He&#39;s living by the hour at the moment&#39;<br><br>Speaking exclusively to ITV News, Matthew Rowley reacts to seeing his brother Charles in critical condition following Novichok exposure <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; ITV News (@itvnews) <a href="">July 11, 2018</a></blockquote>

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Related coverage: <a href="">UK - Anti-Terrorism Police Probes Another Possible Case of Nerve Agent Attack</a>

Charlie Rowley and his significant other Dawn Sturgess were both exposed to Novichok on June 30. Ms. Sturgess died on July 8 prompting a murder investigation. Due to the rarity and specific origin of the nerve agent, investigators believe the two poisoning incidents are linked. Police issued a warning from Public Health England for people in the area not to touch strange items, including cosmetics.

The victim's brother, Matthew Rowley spoke with BBC News and said his brother's condition is still grave, but he is now eating solid food. Mathew Rowley also revealed that the point of contact where his brother and his partner were exposed to the nerve agent was a perfume bottle. It is not clear the circumstances surrounding the bottle as the investigation is still ongoing, but Rowley wants answers.

Related coverage: <a href="">British Woman Dies of Novichok Poisoning</a>

"Where did it come from, where was it bought, is it something that is very rare, is it something that's unusual, is it something that was bought in a particular shop at a particular time?" Rowley said. "That could be absolutely vital for the investigation to find out who was responsible for the attack on the Skripals and also for the latest attack."

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Anonymous No. 31403 2018-07-16 : 09:42

The USSR & KGB still live… they just use a new name and a Socialist Economy Market

Monali No. 94583 2019-07-30 : 10:38

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