A young Melbourne woman's life changed one night forever in 2013 when she was walking home after a night out. The then 22-year-old Chloe delivered a baby boy seven weeks before she was stalked by an unknown attacker. While walking into a Melbourne laneway, Chloe was brutally beaten and sexually assaulted by a man who has still not been caught.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/0femXbqIc4w" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
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Chloe's life was turned upside down after the assault and even five years after the event you can see the trauma it has caused her during the interview as she became visibly upset. The assault took place on June 30, 2013. Chloe had just finished her first night out since having her baby boy. In the interview released Sunday, she said, "It destroyed me for a really long time."
"I was a new mum, I couldn’t be the mum I wanted to be because I was dealing with this," she continued. "As much as it damaged me, I think it damaged me and my son's relationship." Chloe was stalked for more than a kilometer as she walked up King Street, then Victoria Street and then to Chetwynd Street. As she walked past Browns Lane she was forced into the alley where her attacker brutally punched her to the ground and then kicked her head while she was down.
<img src="https://media.8ch.net/file_store/b170bb4106e3edec3d90fadeb0f5ed066d101850721c3eeef8b96fe025467c33.jpg" style="max-height:640px;max-width:360px;">
<span style="margin-top:15px;rgba(42,51,6,0.7);font-size:12px;">Chloe/Victoria Police</span>
Related coverage: <a href="https://thegoldwater.com/news/34258-U-S-Navy-Seal-Team-SIX-Member-Explains-How-To-Escape-A-Kidnapping-Video">U.S. Navy Seal Team SIX Member Explains How To Escape A Kidnapping (Video)</a>
"You should be allowed to walk where you want to walk; you should be able to do what you want to do, you shouldn’t have to fear for yourself or fear that someone’s going to follow you and do something like that to you," Chloe said. She spent a significant amount of time in the hospital after the assault with a broken nose, split lip, and significant injuries related to the sexual assault.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">This is Chloe and she has bravely shared her story in the hope that someone may recognise the offender who raped and assaulted her. We urge you to watch this and please share to bring Chloe justice. <a href="https://t.co/nWSNkhRwSQ">pic.twitter.com/nWSNkhRwSQ</a></p>— Victoria Police (@VictoriaPolice) <a href="https://twitter.com/VictoriaPolice/status/1030964134580547585?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">August 18, 2018</a></blockquote>
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Detective Inspector Steve Wilson said, "Brutal’s not a word I use very often, but I think it’s the best way to describe this particular attack. Because of the extremity, the extreme violence involved, we need to do justice for Chloe." Victoria police announced a $500,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of Chloe's attacker.
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Watch the video you can tell hes an arab or muzrat. Govt/polsHushed it up because this event happened in between the islamic terror attacks and public push back against MENA MIIIGRUNTS.
He's a little, sawed-off Arab pos who's being protected by his fellow savages. white countries need revolutions where they round-up all of the undesirables and give them two options: "GET OUT OR DIE".
How can you print such a thing?! How can you take a "stand" against women being brutally sexually assaulted, when your very same society refuses to even acknowledge the brutal horror that is the systemic scheme of society's sexual torture and sexual mutilation of little babies.
Society does not endorse such a thing as sexual torture and sexual mutilation of little babies, you say? But it is not so that (((circumcision))) is performed nigh universally without anesthesia? And it is not so that it is performed without consent - after all babies cannot consent to the removal of substantial sophisticated elements of their genitals. And everywhere there is circumcision the society upholds the right of the (((mohels))) to perform their even more disgusting variation on circumcision, which is to heinous, to wicked, to even recount here - god damn their souls, indeed has he. Surely all obstetricians go to hell!!!! And pediatricians are mostly going as well - how many have repented of aid of the crimes of obstetricians?
Don't say you are against baby rape - you are of the society of (((circumcision))), which is even more heinous than many forms of baby rape. BARBARIC! SAINT PAUL PROHIBITED THE PRACTICE EXPLICITLY, IN THE CHRISTIAN SCRIPTURES, BUT WHO IS A REAL CHRISTIAN? Systemic sexual torturers of babies, the so-called (((church))). And the Catholic (((church))) is complicit in the horror. Who is surprised that priests see nothing particularly ill to raping babies? After all, society is far more cruel, vile, wicked.
While the Aztec slew children to their deity, so we also brutalize our children to a deity, the deity of money, namely the money which flows from the wicked connexion which is with those who are most notorious, the Nation of the Mohels.
Can God forgive someone who permits her baby to be sexually tortured and sexually mutilated?
Huh… They hushed this up well, from 2013? No description ? 500k reward and no info on suspect?