A 48-page indictment was released by a federal grand jury in San Diego Tuesday for using over $250,000 of campaign funds to pay for personal expenses. The indictment also alleges the couple filed false campaign finance records with the Federal Election Commission but Hunter denies any wrong doing and claims it was a simple filing error by his secretary.
The grand jury's indictment alleges the Hunters illegally used campaign funds to pay for expenses that they could not afford from 2009 to 2016. Some of the personal expenses cited in the indictment include family vacations to Italy, Hawaii, Phoenix and Boise, Idaho. The couple also used the funds to pay for school tuition, dental work, theater tickets, and international travel for nearly a dozen family members.
Related coverage: <a href="http://thegoldwater.com/news/34734-Manafort-s-Conviction-is-Globalist-Mueller-s-Obama-Wiretap-Cover-Up-Before-The-Storm">Manafort’s Conviction is Globalist Mueller’s Obama Wiretap Cover-Up Before The Storm</a>
The Hunters allegedly mischaracterized the personal purchases in FEC filings as "campaign travel", "dinner with volunteers and contributors", "toy drives", "teacher, parent, and supporter events" as well as a number of other items such as video games. Congressman Hunter is also under investigation by the House Ethics Committee over his improper use of campaign funds but announced it would allow the Department of Justice Investigation to take the lead.
Hunter remains adamant that there has been no wrongdoing and said he was not aware of any improper spending. He claims to have repaid his campaign committee roughly $60,000 to cover the personal expenses. A spokesman for Hunter named Michael Harrison called the indictment "all political" and said that Hunter is "definitely still running for re-election."
<img src="https://media.8ch.net/file_store/dfa01dde30091ed70eb7636cb2abac3b159d326548c1b3a30bff29307e06e5bc.jpg" style="max-height:640px;max-width:360px;">
<span style="margin-top:15px;rgba(42,51,6,0.7);font-size:12px;">Bill Clark</span>
Demands of resignation by House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi immediately followed the indictment. Pelosi also called for Speaker of the House Paul Ryan to publicly call for Hunter's resignation as well. Pelosi, who is known for leaking classified information in her incoherent ramblings issued a statement saying:
"The charges against Congressman Hunter are further evidence of the rampant culture of corruption among Republicans in Washington today. Once again, one of President Trump’s earliest supporters in Congress has broken the public trust and abused his position to enrich himself and his family. Speaker Ryan must immediately call on Congressman Hunter to resign, and affirm that no one is above the law."
Related coverage: <a href="https://thegoldwater.com/news/34676-Cohen-s-Guilty-Plea-Will-Have-No-Impact-On-Trump">Cohen’s Guilty Plea Will Have No Impact On Trump</a>
Duncan Hunter Sr., Hunter's father and former congressman from California, blamed the Democrats for the indictment in an interview Tuesday. "It's politically motivated by hardcore Democrats who want to get Duncan Hunter out of Congress," Hunter Sr. said. "It's a political late hit; this is the rough and tumble of politics. Margaret herself has said he didn't know anything about this."
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Source: https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/republican-congressman-duncan-hunter-indicted/story?id=57320240
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Equal Justice means BOTH PARTIES.
RINO or DINO/Socialist
I would strongly suggest we hold his trial RIGHT AFTER the HILLARY, CLINTON FOUNDATION,
DNC $$,$$$,$$$$.00 Money Laundering Operation & Russia Connection Investigation is completed and indictments are released.