By: Steve Dellar | 09-09-2018 | News
Photo credit: Twitter | @EuropeElects

Germany – Chemnitz 2,000 Right-Wing Demonstrators, AfD Most Popular Party In East Germany (Video)

Right-wing demonstrators showed up in the thousands again on the streets of Chemnitz in Eastern Germany over the weekend to protest the country’s immigration policies as the unrest in the Saxony province (Sachsen in German) continues.

Police estimated there were around 2,000 demonstrators on Friday and another 1,000 on Saturday again. One of the protesters explained that: “We don’t have a problem with foreigners as long as they integrate. So long as they work or want to work and are not imposing their culture on us.”

“These are the basics and many people are afraid because the security situation is getting worse and worse.”

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Some 500 counter-protesters met them and shouted mostly ‘Nazis out.’

The latest political polls, however, show that most people in Eastern Germany seem to agree with the right-wing demonstrators. As we told you last week, during the mass marches, even the left-wing German press (Die Welt) admitted that, and we quote: “the majority of those lining the streets of the march route sympathized with the right-wing demonstrators and complained that the counter-protesters had been given preferential treatment.”

Related coverage: <a href=""> German Press Admits: ‘Majority On The Streets Symphatized With The Right-Wing Demonstrators’</a>.

A political poll conducted on Thursday 6 September with around 1,500 Germans in East Germany (contacted between 3 and 5 September) showed that the right-wing AfD would be crowned as the biggest party in that part of the country should elections be held today, with some 27%of the vote, ahead of Ms Merkel’s conservative CDU with 23%, whom they would be taking the votes from.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="de" dir="ltr">Germany (East Germany), Infratest dimap poll:<br><br>AfD-EFDD: 27% (+5)<br>CDU-EPP: 23% (-5)<br>LINKE-LEFT: 18%<br>SPD-S&amp;D: 15% (+1)<br>GRÜNE-G/EFA: 7%<br>FDP-ALDE: 6% (-1)<br><br>+/- vs. <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#btw17</a><br><br>Field work: 3/09/18 – 5/09/18<br>Sample size: 1,502 (overall) <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Europe Elects (@EuropeElects) <a href="">September 6, 2018</a></blockquote>

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On the left, the Social Democrats, who are in a ruling coalition government with Ms Merkel’s CDU, are at 15% only, meaning that both parties combined would only get 38% of the vote in Eastern Germany would elections be held there today.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">&quot;I don&#39;t care if they call us racist but things simply cannot carry on this way!&quot; - East German city of <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#Chemnitz</a> has been polarised over the question of migrants since the murder of Daniel Hille on August 26<a href=""></a> by <a href="">@DavidCourbet</a></p>&mdash; AFP news agency (@AFP) <a href="">September 8, 2018</a></blockquote>

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In the far larger, and economically more profitable Western part of Germany, Ms Merkel’s CDU still rules supreme but there the AfD has caught up with the Socialists in second place.


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3 Comment/s
Anonymous No. 36544 2018-09-09 : 13:31

Illegals are usually uneducated, diseased & low IQ economic migrants and Muslims do carry out Jihad by getting on social benefits, make 6-7 kids to exhaust the financial infrastructure of the naive host nation. Not one positive element ever came out of diversity.

Anonymous No. 36553 2018-09-09 : 15:30

I notice the German press calls German patriots "Right-Wing Demonstrators" while they call 'Murdering Rapist Muslims', MIGRANTS. Good people have to stand up when bad people do harm.

Anonymous No. 36558 2018-09-09 : 16:14

These mudslimes need to stay where they came from. They act like animals and now are forcing citizens in the gracious host countries to get violent. This will probably end in a civil type war. Basically we are importing the enemy’s for the upcoming battle. They should stay home and rebuild, you have a clean slate after the rubble is cleared. They jack up their homeland and we bring them to our countries popping out kids the whole way. Just imagine 15-20 years down the road when their radicalized tribes of kids grow up to fighting age. They will be smarter than the mudslime parents but just as twisted and with their gracious hosts in their sights as the enemy.

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