The scum and villainy of Hollywood have no limits whether its the cast of Guardians of the Galaxy rallying around James Gunn and defending his pedophile tweets, or the twisted lies of Asia Argento. Now, actress Olivia Munn finds herself in Hollywood's crosshairs after she reported a fellow cast member from her latest film "The Predator" as being a registered sex offender.
Munn says she is now being shunned by her castmates after she reported to her bosses at 20th Century Fox that fellow actor Steven Wilder Striegel is a convicted sex offender. Striegel pleaded guilty in 2010 for trying to lure a 14-year-old girl into a sexual relationship. The film studio told Munn they were not aware of the conviction and have decided to delete the scenes featuring the convicted actor.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-conversation="none" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">7) <a href="">#ThePredator</a><br>Olivia Munn: "I don't accept Shane's apology. It wasn't given to me personally… A real apology has to be done privately — not just read publicly" <a href=""></a></p>— LAT Entertainment (@latimesent) <a href="">September 8, 2018</a></blockquote>
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20th Century Fox issued a statement Thursday just hours before the film "The Predator" was set to premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival. "Our studio was not aware of Mr. Striegel's background when he was hired," a Fox representative said. "Several weeks ago, when the studio learned the details, his one scene in the film was removed within 24 hours."
The Predator films have been a popular sci-fi series since its 1984 debut, but this latest installment will be the first film in the series to release since 2010. Munn plays a scientist named Casey Bracket in the film which is slated to release on September 14th. The actress had tweeted that audiences will love it "now that the scene is deleted." A reporter for the LA Times named Amy Kaufman tweeted details about Striegel's grooming of a minor saying, "In other correspondence, he described his sexual preferences in graphic detail, including his favorite intercourse position and intimate grooming practices. 'EVERY thing you say turns me on!!' he wrote to Doe. 'I love that it rocked you when I pulled your hair that time.'"
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">In other correspondence, he described his sexual preferences in graphic detail, including his favorite intercourse position and intimate grooming practices. “EVERY thing you say turns me on!!” he wrote to Doe. “I love that it rocked you when I pulled your hair that time.”</p>— Amy Kaufman (@AmyKinLA) <a href="">September 6, 2018</a></blockquote>
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The 38-year-old Munn is still promoting "The Predator" film despite exposing Striegel and the subsequent lack of support from her fellow cast members. Munn said she was scheduled to do an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, but when she arrived, she found her co-stars had bailed on her with the exception of 11-year-old actor Jacob Tremblay. It is very bizarre how Hollywood leftists are so vocal about the #MeToo movement and Trump's "pussy grabbing" comment, yet when it comes to sexual crimes against children they are all too comfortable with turning a blind eye.
The actress tweeted Thursday regarding her cast mates lack of support saying, "I'm contractually obligated. And from what I’m experiencing, I think they’d prefer I not show up. It would make everyone breathe easier." She added in another tweet, "It’s amazing how many people expect you to put the movie first, especially if you’re the lead. On something like this – where a child has been hurt – my silence will never be for sale. And if it costs me my career they can take it."
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I’m contractually obligated. And from what I’m experiencing, I think they’d prefer I not show up. It would make everyone breathe easier. Also, I worked really hard on this film, as did the rest of the cast and crew. Now that the scene is deleted I think audiences will love it. <a href=""></a></p>— om (@oliviamunn) <a href="">September 7, 2018</a></blockquote>
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One actor from "The Predator" named Sterling Brown at least seems to support Fox's decision to delete the scene with Striegel. Brown tweeted, "Thank you to @20thcenturyfox for taking quick action in deleting the scene. @oliviamunn I hope you don’t feel quite so alone. You did the right thing."
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Thank you to <a href="">@20thcenturyfox</a> for taking quick action in deleting the scene. <a href="">@oliviamunn</a> I hope you don’t feel quite so alone. You did the right thing. </p>— Sterling K Brown (@SterlingKBrown) <a href="">September 9, 2018</a></blockquote>
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Munn accused the film's director Shane Black of being aware of Striegel's legal issues and called him out for his lack of action on Twitter. "The #MeToo movement called out abusers. But they’re not the only ones in the wrong. Those who know about abuse and not only do nothing but continue to put abusers in positions of power are complicit."
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">The <a href="">#MeToo</a> movement called out abusers. But they’re not the only ones in the wrong. Those who know about abuse and not only do nothing but continue to put abusers in positions of power are complicit. <a href=""></a></p>— om (@oliviamunn) <a href="">September 6, 2018</a></blockquote>
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In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Munn said that she and the film's director have not spoken since the scene was deleted. "I haven’t heard from Shane. I did see his apology … I would have appreciated it more if it was directed toward me privately before it went public and I had to see it online with everyone else," Munn said. "It's honestly disheartening to have to fight for something so hard that is just so obvious to me."
Black has cast Striegel in several of his films including "Iron Man 3" in 2013 and "The Nice Guys" in 2016. The director issued a statement of his own saying, "Having read this morning's news reports, it has sadly become clear to me that I was misled by a friend I really wanted to believe was telling me the truth when he described the circumstances of his conviction. I believe strongly in giving people second chances – but sometimes you discover that chance is not as warranted as you may have hoped."
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Twitter: #Hollywood #ThePredator #MeToo #OliviaMunn #ShaneBlack #StevenStriegel #PedoGate
"I'm contractually obligated. And from what I’m experiencing, I think they’d prefer I not show up,
to me means hidden agenda, single me out and make me a star.
The scene they cut must have been a pedoish scene. Crazy how Hollywood loves the pedo action. Pretty backward… thought it was normal decent human instinct to protect children, not exploit, fuck and kill them.
For normal decent humans it is… but they are not normal decent humans… that's why they are called perverts… they have a perversion… an unnatural evil desire to change what is normal or Godly into an ungodly abnormal morbid alteration of function. They lack ability to love, therefore they are always empty, and devoid of compassion and ability to bond humanely. Deviants. They are apathetic, and nothing has any meaning for them.
I started liking her on attack of the show on g4. Just hope she pans out, not like a lot of her fellow actors/actresses.