Seeing the onslaught of the leftwing candidates in the polls, supporters of the ruling leftwing PT (Workers’ Party) have by now called upon global female celebrities to voice their support for #EleNao (Not Him), an online movement against leading rightwing candidate Mr. Jair Bolsonaro.
Madonna was one of those protesting against Mr. Bolsonaro being elected.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">We're fighting against the rise of fascism in Brazil and in the world & need your support for the <a href="">#EleNao</a> acts that will take place all over the world SAT 29 SEP <a href="">#NotHim</a> <a href="">@RuPaul</a> <a href="">@Madonna</a> <a href="">@DUALIPA</a> <a href="">@itsSHANGELA</a> <a href="">@ladygaga</a> <a href="">@TheEllenShow</a> <a href="">@amandapalmer</a> <a href="">@MichelleObama</a> <a href="">@michellevisage</a> <a href=""></a></p>— Angel #EleNão (@FreitasAngel) <a href="">September 28, 2018</a></blockquote>
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Meanwhile, his own supporters, who dominate social media, have created their own hashtag called #EleSI (Yes Him) in support of their favorite candidate.
With only one week to go before the first round of the Brazilian election is upon them, the two sides going up against each other (Haddad and Bolsonaro supporters) are casting down their respective positions.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="und" dir="ltr"><a href="">#elesi</a> <a href=""></a></p>— Bruno Mota (@BrunoMo59308943) <a href="">September 24, 2018</a></blockquote>
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Mr. Douglas Garcia, the founder of Direita São Paulo, a group supporting Jair Bolsonaro, explains why social media is the star in this year’s election: “The biggest drivers of online audiences are the fights that we start on social media.”
The 24-year-old is exemplary of Bolsonaro’s hardcore supporters. He wears a black T-shirt emblazoned with Mr. Bolsonaro’s face and the words “honor, moral, ethics.” On the back of his shirt is a picture of an AR-15 rifle.
“I did a video, for example, cursing the people on Jornal Nacional and that video had half a million hits.”
The country’s need for debate on social media about the election is a direct result of decades of leftwing governments. Youngsters know that their media has been taken over and is only directed towards the leftwing candidates.
They want change and even though some of them realize that Mr. Bolsonaro has made some questionable statements in the past, anything is better than yet another leftwing government that brings corruption and more spending (of money they don’t have).
Related coverage: <a href=""> Brazil Election - Pollsters Expect Bolsonaro Versus Haddad After First Round</a>.
Mr. Marco Aurelio Ruediger, director of public policy at the Getúlio Vargas Foundation in Rio de Janeiro explained: “You have a situation in which social networks and the candidates themselves are extremely polarized and television has been weakened as the principal vehicle through which to win hearts and minds.”
“Brazil will become a case study that will reverberate throughout the world because they social media are a monstrously strong force in this election.”
The projected run-off between the two populists (leftwing Haddad versus rightwing Bolsonaro) is seen as the nightmare scenario for markets, who had their hopes pinned on Mr. Geraldo Alckmin, the moderate former São Paulo governor from the Brazilian Social Democracy party. However, at 9 percent in the polls, voters have cast him out as a traditional politician.
By now, it’s #Elenao versus #EleSI, or a younger generation that is willing to risk ‘change’ versus an older generation that is told to vote ‘left’ (and standstill).
Mr. Pablo Ortellado, a professor of public policy at the University of São Paulo, admits that: “it seems there is a parallel reality, as happened with Trump and Marine Le Pen, France’s populist leader.”
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Any where Madonna is RUN the other direction. She is bad for your country!