The GOA has created a scorecard that shows you just how well your local representatives adhere to the Constitution that they swore to uphold and protect. The 2018 midterm elections are just weeks away and there are still no real contenders with lots of open seats. It seems no one wants to really do the job anymore. As our willingness to lower the bar increases because of this, it is important that where we are not willing to compromise is on our inalienable rights and the constitution of the United States.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Go vote PRO-GUN this November! <a href=""></a></p>— CounterTerrorismInst (@ctiallc) <a href="">October 22, 2018</a></blockquote>
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Gun Owners of America is the organization behind the scorecard system which claims to rate how well your Senator is adhering to the constitution and where they stand where it comes to the right to bear arms. GOA Executive Director Erich Pratt said, "The anti-gun Left is hopping-mad, now that Judge Brett Kavanaugh has been confirmed to the Supreme Court."
Pratt continued, "They are motivated to get to the polls this November. So it is crucial that you and your pro-gun friends get to the polls. And that’s why GOA is putting the 2018 Congressional Voter Scorecard into your hands."
Related coverage: <a href="">Supreme Court - Kavanaugh Set To Rule On Social Media Free Speech</a>
GOA Executive Director continues, "There is a lot that’s riding on the line. If the Democrats take over the Congress, Nancy Pelosi has already said that passing gun control is one of her top priorities. But we have an ace up our proverbial sleeve. According to a recent study, the gun issue is an incredibly powerful, motivating issue in politics. The study reported that gun owners are more likely to show up to vote than those who support gun control."
"This is encouraging news. Having said that, gun owners can’t make informed choices if they don’t know who the pro-gun candidates are. So to that end, Gun Owners of America has released the recent voting records of your congressman and senators."
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Gun Owners of America Endorses '2A Patriot' Tim Donnelly for Congress, says Cook 'sold gun owners out'!: <a href=""></a></p>— Carl (@CarlWinzen1) <a href="">October 20, 2018</a></blockquote>
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GOA offers a scorecard so you can see how your representatives stack up to their duties to adhere to the constitution. After all, they swore to defend and uphold your rights, not infringe on them.
Related coverage: <a href="">Americans Will Soon Be Able To Buy Legal 3D Printed Guns</a>
Pratt goes on to explain, "Candidates who have established a voting record, either in the office for which they are running or in another elected office, are evaluated primarily based on that voting record. However, sponsorship of pro or antigun legislation and other such factors can affect their grade."
He continued, "If an incumbent or challenger has not established a voting record or demonstrated his or her position in some other way, that candidate is evaluated on his or her responses to the GOA 2018 Federal Candidate Questionnaire or public statements. Every candidate, whether an incumbent or challenger, begins with an 'A' and is then downgraded for each antigun position or vote."
The group even composed a list of senators and representatives with the company's <a href="">personal seal of approval you can view here.</a> GOA also wants to celebrate the rights of gun owners across the country and <a href="">is offering a chance to win a beautiful Barrett 18073 M82-A1 BMG Rifle</a> decked out with a scope package from Classic Firearms. (This giveaway is not associated with The Goldwater)
<img src="" style="max-height:640px;max-width:360px;">
<span style="margin-top:15px;rgba(42,51,6,0.7);font-size:12px;">GOA</span>
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Only a signed sworn statement requiring the elected official not to pass any new Gun Control laws and to resign their office for an act of perjury would hold any legal water.