By: Kyle James | 10-31-2018 | News
Photo credit: @colortrendfash | Twitter

Kanye West Says He Is Done With Politics After "Being Used"

After a rather eventful last several weeks, rapper Kanye West and husband of Kim Kardashian says he is ready to step away from politics. West made headlines across America when he visited with president Trump in the Oval Office and went on what some deemed a rant. He also came forward about some very personal issues in recent weeks and said that his brief hospitalization for depression was largely due to the bullying and wrath he endured after coming out as a Trump supporter.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">WATCH: Rapper Kanye West, or Ye, rants in Oval Office with President Trump <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; KRON4 News (@kron4news) <a href="">October 11, 2018</a></blockquote>

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Related coverage: <a href="">Kanye West Hugs Trump After Emotional Speech About Being Bullied For His Political Views (Video)</a>

West claimed that even some of his closest friends and family were critical of his decision and the piles of hate that were streaming in on social media were too much and it led to a time off for the rapper. After coming out of the depression, West seemed renewed and the reason for his renewal was the feeling that wearing the MAGA hat gave him. In his Oval Office talk with president Trump, West revealed that wearing the hat made him feel like "Superman".

He even decided to wear the hat to a Saturday Night Live sketch where he was set to perform, but shortly after his set, SNL stopped airing the rapper's words as he spoke out about being bullied for coming out in support of Trump among other topics. The 41-year-old visionary rapper seemed to vent a little bit today on Twitter when he tweeted, "My eyes are now wide open and now realize I’ve been used to spread messages I don’t believe in. I am distancing myself from politics and completely focusing on being creative !!!"

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">My eyes are now wide open and now realize I’ve been used to spread messages I don’t believe in. I am distancing myself from politics and completely focusing on being creative !!!</p>&mdash; ye (@kanyewest) <a href="">October 30, 2018</a></blockquote>

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Related coverage: <a href="">Candace Owens Reveals "BLEXIT: Official Black Exit From The Democrat Party"</a>

What does this mean for the rapper? Could it mean that he is withdrawing his support for the president? Recently, the matriarch of Kardashian family Kris Jenner appeared on Ellen and said that she wished that West would stop tweeting sometimes. "You know, there've been days when there should be a no tweeting law … I'll ground him," Jenner said. "He's a great guy, he really is." SNL cast member Pete Davidson had some harsher words for the rapper saying his speech was "one of the worst, most awkward things I’ve ever seen here."

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I introduced Candace to the person who made the logo and they didn’t want their name on it so she used mine. I never wanted any association with Blexit. I have nothing to do with it.</p>&mdash; ye (@kanyewest) <a href="">October 30, 2018</a></blockquote>

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West also clarified that he was not involved with the movement "Blexit", a group that targets African Americans and encourages them to walk away from the Democrat party. West tweeted, "I introduced Candace to the person who made the logo and they didn’t want their name on it so she used mine. I never wanted any association with Blexit. I have nothing to do with it."

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">At long last, <a href=""></a> is launched!!! <br><br>The official Black Exit from the Democrat Party. <br><br>NO MORE ENSLAVED MINDS. AMERICA FIRST. <br><br>Support our movement by visiting <a href=""></a> today!!! <br><br>WE ARE FREE!!!!!!!!!! <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) <a href="">October 27, 2018</a></blockquote>

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Related coverage: <a href="">Trump Posts Appreciation Tweet to Kanye West for Supporting Him</a>

Is this another one of West's slumps? Could there be some pressure to walk back his support for president Trump that is coming from those closest to him? Maybe he will delete his social media accounts and go media silent again only to reemerge once again. West's wife, Kim Kardashian, said of Kanye in an interview with Entertainment Tuesday that he "will always do what he believes, whether it’s the popular thing or not. And he has said so many times, even on SNL, but I don’t know if it was on because it was at the end, 'I do not agree with all of the policies. I don't even know all the policies, I'm not political. I’m just saying this is what this represents to me and I will wear it because that’s what I feel'."

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Kim Kardashian: I can help Kanye communicate better <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Page Six (@PageSix) <a href="">October 30, 2018</a></blockquote>

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6 Comment/s
Anonymous No. 40879 2018-10-31 : 05:15

Its a shame.

Anonymous No. 40881 2018-10-31 : 06:33

It is a shame that the left is doing the same shit they vocally oppose… bullying and constant harassment. And go figure, he finally had enough and caved in to their pressure. Thank God we have a few thick skinned people with plenty of spine that can take the heat, like President Trump and Associate Justice Kavanaugh to name a few.

Anonymous No. 40882 2018-10-31 : 07:38

Anyone could see his extreme mania when he was with Trump in the Oval Office. He’s a delusional, nonsense spewing, bipolar, mope. Trump was being gracious to even allow West to look at him.

tab No. 40910 2018-10-31 : 12:49

so Kayne is now angry because Trump is protecting our borders AS PROMISED? what a dumb nigger….

Shirley Marie Bradby No. 40918 2018-10-31 : 14:38

Well, personally, I think that Kanye is probably being pressured. He appears to be a very sensitive person, most creative artists are — and does not want to cause anyone any harm – - so may he is taking a break — after all of the media hype and possibly even his close family members who do not want him to be receiving so much constant hate and negative vibrations — they could even fear for his and their lives — so perhaps they have taken over his Twitter account and are now "helping him to communicate" better — to "save him" and the fame and fortune that he has accumulated.

Kanye, if you read this, I would like for you to know that you can DO AS YOU PLEASE … I am an Independent thinker and voter … and I have supported Trump from Day One – when he first came down the elevator — and so have many other people — but most of us have less to lose than you do! We thank you for all that you have done —- BUT the world of Trump is not on YOUR shoulders — do what you have to do to be happy and productive! Many people will understand and those who do NOT? Well, then it will be clear that they have never felt "Dragon energy". Peace! 🙏👍🙏💪💕

Anonymous No. 40921 2018-10-31 : 15:35

When kanye visited Trump it was obvious he was 'starstruck'.But the so-called open minded libtards are abusing em because their narrative is to respond with violence. I'm not a rapper fan but I respect and commend Kanye his actions. What he did was something we all needed to see. So Kanye, don't let the libtards have this,, they will change it to "Kanye was wrong,see he come to his senses and dumped Trump, Dude you haven't seen how bad they really are yet,,your words will changed to suit their Bulls**t narrative. Hang in there big guy. you're not done yet..

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