By: Kyle James | 11-15-2018 | News
Photo credit: Australian Liberty Alliance

Australia - Liberal Party Candidate In Anti-Muslim Video Scandal

||| Australian Liberty Alliance|||

Meralyn Klein has lost her endorsements following an anti-Muslim comment in a video that showed up online just days prior to the election. Klein was running as Victorian state opposition as a Liberal party candidate who can be seen in a video calling for a ban on Muslim immigration.

The comments were enough to get Klein disendorsed nine days from the election for a party seat in the marginal seat of Yan Yea, an area which covers Melbourne's northernmost areas. Danielle Green, the current Labor MP, holds the highest margin of 3.7% on the seat. The video shows Klein telling Avi Yemini of the Australian Liberty Alliance about how she was attacked and targeted by migrant teens who "were not so happy with two blond women running their own restaurant".

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Her endorsements didn't seem to care about the context, only that she didn't speak kindly of one of the left's protected classes. "Unfortunately, they were of a culture that didn’t accept white Australian women," Klein said. "There are people in this country who are not coming here to get the best out of the country and give the best that they can. I’d like to see us look at immigration."

She ended the video by calling for a "#MUSLIMBAN", as if that is some kind of crazy statement when we know that these militant fighters are sneaking right into western borders and doing damage at will. Klein denies being anti-Muslim and said her comments were taken out of context. It seems like common sense for a little screening to be in order and if you aren't screening people you're going to soon have a terrible country overrun with criminals.

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In a subsequent interview with ABC radio Thursday, Klein said "They cut it, they sliced it and they put it up as their own claiming it was an anti-Muslim video. Nowhere in anything, I said was anti-Muslim." Yemini is himself standing in for the Australian Liberal Alliance since Klein has been so conveniently removed.

At least Yemini has been in videos with the English activists Tommy Robinson and isn't afraid to be seen with the co-founder of the English Defence League. Yemini said the video was shot Wednesday and that he edited it to include the fact that her alleged attackers were Muslim. He called that fact vital to the party's cause. Klein also has a known history of ramming a parking attendant and getting off with a $150 fine.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-conversation="none" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Meralyn Klein is Liberal&#39;s latest loose cannon. She is grossly impulsive and simply doesn&#39;t know how to control herself. <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Fair Dinkum Dame Cath (@AstraKate) <a href="">November 12, 2018</a></blockquote>

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"She just didn’t want to say it herself, because she told me that story numerous times for months. That is why I went out and did the video with her," Yemini told Herald Sun. It's too late for the electoral commission to take Klein of ballot papers as the Liberal candidate but Liberal opposition leader Mathew Guy said the party asked for Klein's resignation "within an hour". Guy went on to tell reporters, "Meralyn made a video with some of the material, which was grossly inappropriate and [for] which her resignation was sought."

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