By now, 3,000 migrants of the many caravans that have traveled through Mexico and other Central American nations have arrived at the US border between Tijuana and San Diego.
Although some in the Mexican border city of Tijuana are sympathetic to the migrants’ plight and try to assist, a great number of locals have shouted insults, hurled rocks and even thrown punches at them. They are afraid that the city is ill-equipped to handle so many migrants at once and fearful that the White House administration of President Donald Trump will close the border if the other migrants (7,000 more are on route) show up.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">The Mayor of Tijuana, Mexico, just stated that “the City is ill-prepared to handle this many migrants, the backlog could last 6 months.” Likewise, the U.S. is ill-prepared for this invasion, and will not stand for it. They are causing crime and big problems in Mexico. Go home!</p>— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) <a href="">November 18, 2018</a></blockquote>
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On Friday already, the Tijuana Mayor Mr Juan Manuel Gastelum said he expected the number of migrants arriving in the city in the coming weeks to reach 10,000 and warned the Mexico City federal government that his town was not prepared to handle the "avalanche".
Related coverage: <a href=""> Caravan – Tijuana Mayor Complains As ‘Horde’ Of 10,000 Migrants Arrive</a>.
US President Donald Trump echoed those comments in a tweet: "The Mayor of Tijuana, Mexico, just stated that 'the City is ill-prepared to handle this many migrants, the backlog could last 6 months.'"
"Likewise, the U.S. is ill-prepared for this invasion, and will not stand for it. They are causing crime and big problems in Mexico. Go home!"
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Mexican protestor today in Tijuana on the caravan: "Donald Trump was right, this is an invasion! What Donald Trump said was correct: this is an invasion!"<br><br>Crowd chants: "Get out Hondurans, we do not want you here. Get out Hondurans, we do not want you here." <a href=""></a></p>— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) <a href="">November 19, 2018</a></blockquote>
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"They are invaders! They are armed! Get out of the country," Mexican protesters shouted. Other said they feared that the US would shut the border as a result of all the commotion.
Ms Esther Monroy, 58 years old, said that the number of migrants coming into the city would certainly lead to problems at the border crossing: "Most of us in this depend on business from people coming and going across the border."
"If they close it, it will be [the migrants'] fault."
"If the government can't control all this, organised crime and drug cartels will," Another local, Mr America Villa added. "We don't care who does it, but they have to take responsibility for these people."
Tijuana’s shelters can normally hold a maximum capacity of 700 migrants. At this moment there are 3,000 that have arrived already and 7,000 more are on the way.
In the weeks before the Midterm election, the Democrats blamed the White House administration of fearmongering and claimed that only very few of the migrants would actually show up at the border.
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Only teh most brainwashed of teh ZOmbies believe these people have teh good intent for teh law abiding CitenZerY of these here United States of America.
The three pryor comments from mine make absolutely no sense. Mexico should have turned these invaders away. The reason they did not was because the Mexican government is in league with the drug cartels and the drug cartels are using the south american caravan to distract ice in order to bring in more drugs undetected. Mexico and south america seems to have declared war on the US and our government is doing very little about it. We need a border wall that extends from California all the way across Texas now. We need to take the gloves off and shoot to kill the invaders. Those people coming from Mexico and South America are terrorists and must be stopped.
no one wants to listen to your big long introduction to even get started.