By: Steve Dellar | 11-22-2018 | News
Photo credit: Twitter | @SudipPan100

Caravan - Central American Criminals Mass Arrests By Tijuana Police (Video)

At least 40 members of the multiple caravans of Central American migrants who have recently arrived in the border city of Tijuana, Mexico, have by now been arrested for various crimes and will face deportation.

The Tijuana government accused them of a string of offenses, including drug possession, drunkenness, social disorder, and resisting arrest.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Mexico to Begin Deporting Migrant Caravan Members After Tijuana Arrests <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Dan Bongino (@dbongino) <a href="">November 21, 2018</a></blockquote>

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Already earlier this week, in a statement posted on Facebook, the Tijuana government said that 34 caravan members (all men) would be brought before a judge at the instruction of Mayor Juan Manuel Gastélum.

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Last night, three more Central American migrants were arrested for minor offenses (disturbing the peace and allegedly smoking marijuana) by police in Tijuana, as footage shows.

Related coverage: <a href="Caravan - Biggest Migrant Group Arrives, Angry Tijuana Residents Shout ‘Mexico First!’"></a>.

"As the number of people arriving at the shelters increases, we have to increase the number of the security forces, with the support of other authorities," Tijuana's secretary of public security Marco Antonio Sotomayor commented on the situation.

The statement furthermore said it was expected that the caravan members would be deported from Mexico "to their country of origin."

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Should the media apologize? <br><br>Mexico To Deport Migrant Caravan Members After Tijuana Arrests, Prove Trump Right <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Ryan Fournier (@RyanAFournier) <a href="">November 22, 2018</a></blockquote>

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Tijuana is having difficulty dealing with the great number of migrant arrivals and the mayor has called upon the federal government to release additional funding.

<b>Lethal force</b>

Meanwhile, tension is mounting at the border as the White House released a “decision memorandum”, signed by the president warning that “credible evidence and intelligence” indicates thousands of approaching Central American migrants “may prompt incidents of violence and disorder” which could threaten border patrol agents and other government personnel.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">34 Caravan Migrants Arrested for Drugs, Drunkenness in Tijuana… <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; DRUDGE REPORT (@DRUDGE_REPORT) <a href="">November 21, 2018</a></blockquote>

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The US President, therefore, expanded the authority of US troops to include “a show or use of force (including lethal force, where necessary), crowd control, temporary detention and cursory search” to protect the border agents.


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5 Comment/s
Anonymous No. 43000 2018-11-22 : 15:06

Ya think they'll behave better here?

Anonymous No. 43011 2018-11-22 : 16:49

Keep these indian niggers and their inferior weed out of my country, bruh

Woot No. 43020 2018-11-22 : 18:37

Indians came from Asia, not South America, you fucking idiot leftist. Go back to CNN and stop trying to make the right look like the racists. Piece of shit, white idiot.

Anonymous No. 43023 2018-11-22 : 23:01

Can someone translate what the last guy being put in the police car said to the camera?

Anonymous No. 43034 2018-11-23 : 05:05


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