By: Courtney Tubbs | 12-17-2018 | News
Photo credit: Hindustan Times

Facebook Bans Netanyahu's Son for “All Muslims Leave” Israel Post

The controversial global leader in social media known as Facebook is back under fire after banning the son of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, 27-year-old Yair Netanyahu, for saying he prefers “All Muslims Leave” Israel.

He quickly took to Twitter to condemn the banning of his account, which Facebook later confirmed to The Guardian.

“No, It's just unbelievable. Facebook blocks me for 24 hours just for having to visit her! Mind Dictatorship,” the tweet translates to.

Credit: Yair Netanyahu on Twitter.

The son of the current Prime Minister has come under fire once last year for controversial posts.

In 2017, Yair was blasted by the Jewish media for posting a meme which was labeled as “antisemitic,” by outlets such as Haaretz.

Below is the meme used by Yair Netanyahu captioned "the food chain”:

Yair Netanyahu's father Benjamin Netanyahu was recently referred by Israeli Police for criminal indictments, with many other advisors surrounding him having faced prosecution for corruption charges.

Nir Hefetz, a media adviser to Netanyahu and star witness of Case 4000 told others under investigation to destroy their phones.

Similar allegations of fraud surround Sara Netanyahu, the wife of the Prime Minister. She has since been indicted on those charges.

It's been a bad few weeks for the Israelis, with endless criticisms from world media as per their abuse of power, and monumental influence over the United States of America's government.

Just last week, twelve Israelis were arrested as part of a global child sex trafficking ring.

Credit: 12 Israelis Running International Child Sex Ring had Sex Slaves as Young as Three.

Yair Netanyahu's lack of acknowledgment in violating the Facebook terms of service remained defiant.

He later tweeted, “What's even more amazing is that Facebook removed the post in less than five minutes.”

Yair doesn't seem to feel as if he should comply by Facebook’s standards. Facebook disagrees.

A Facebook spokesperson said, “Yair Netanyahu posted several posts which included hate speech – this clearly violates our community standards. Due to that, this content was removed from our platform, as we would do for anyone posting similar content about any protected characteristic. Following this, Yair Netanyahu decided to share a screenshot of a removed post and called people to share it – which is the same as writing the hate speech all over again.”

The younger Netanyahu said, “The thought police of the radical progressives at Facebook have reached me as well!”

Netanyahu continues to call for revenge against those who attack Israeli soldiers, despite the Israeli occupation of Palestine.

As of yet, none of the Netanyahu family members have been arrested for their roles in the alleged fraud schemes.

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Anonymous No. 92871 2018-12-18 : 07:15

did soros buy the goldwater or what???

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