By: Steve Dellar | 12-20-2018 | News
Photo credit: Facebook Louise Vesterager (2)

Moroccan Government Insists “Scandinavian Tourists Killed By Terrorists”

The Moroccan government, seeing the wall to wall coverage in Norwegian and Danish press of what happened to two young tourists found murdered in the Moroccan mountains and probably fearing an impact on its tourism sector, has come out with a statement blaming ‘terrorist organizations’ for their deaths.

Related coverage: Scandinavian Tourist Girlfriends Horribly Murdered In Morocco.

According to the Moroccan prosecutor's office, the two Scandinavian tourists who were found dead in the Atlas Mountains were most likely victims of a terrorist attack as they believe the four men who are suspected of being involved in the murders have ties with a terrorist group. One of the suspects was arrested on Tuesday in Marrakech. The other three are still being searched.

The bodies of the 24-year-old Louisa Vesterager Jespersen from Denmark and 28-year-old Maren Ueland from Norway were found on Monday at ten kilometers from Imlil, a small village in the High Atlas mountain ranger, at the foot of the 4.167 meter high Toubkal mountain.

Before heading out on their hiking trip, the Scandinavian young women had stayed for one night at the Faouzi Hotel in Marrakesh. A hotel employee who wanted to remain anonymous, said: “They spent only one night here. There were five girls together in the beginning. All tourists. The next morning, three of them went off surfing. The other two, Maren and Louisa, went into town at noon, leaving their luggage here.”

“They came back at five in the afternoon to collect their luggage. They went and changed into outdoors clothes for the mountains. They were laughing between themselves. They were in a normal, happy mood. They were young, beautiful, cool and funny. They came here to have a good time.”

According to the Moroccan authorities, the bodies of the two girls had "traces of violence by knives" on their necks. According to a source close to the investigation, the throat of the Danish woman would have been cut and the Norwegian would have been beheaded. The perpetrators would have stayed in the same area as the women and might have stalked them earlier in the day before they surprised and killed the women in their sleep.

The Danish government admitted they would be sending police officers to Morocco to help in the investigation. Norway is thought to consider a similar move given the outrage on social media and in their press.

After paying tribute to her murdered daughter Mrs. Ueland, told Norwegian broadcaster NRK: “Her priority was safety. The girls had taken all precautionary measures before embarking on this trip.”


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4 Comment/s
Tab No. 92990 2018-12-20 : 14:07

---The girls had taken all precautionary measures before embarking on this trip.”---

um, two young white girls backpacking in a VIOLENT MUSLIM SHITHOLE is the definition of throwing caution to the wind. foolish girls....

tab No. 92991 2018-12-20 : 14:10

what, are these two naive girls SJW's? "everybody is the same..." the parents are probably welcoming muslim refugees into Europe. they paid a big price for being foolish.

Uncomplicate No. 93091 2018-12-22 : 23:01

I'm shocked, I am terrified, sad and angry beyond any words I know. Seriously, my vocab can not cope with just how I feel upon learning about what happened.
I saw the video showing what they did to one of the girls. I cried. I still feel like crying when I look at their faces in the above article. I don't think I will sleep tonight.
And I want JUSTICE.
I blame liberal propaganda as much as I blame the "muslim fighters" who actually committed the atrocity. These two sweet, beautiful girls would never end up the way they did if they weren't being brainwashed in to believing in all the politically correct nonsense - against common sense and against ones all healthy instincts.
Media should be in business of raising awareness - to prevent things like this from EVER happening. Hell! Let them even exaggerate a little if that makes the journalist happy - better safe than sorry!
What they do instead is just pure EVIL!
The liberal media will not convince me - too old for that, but that refugee-loving nonsense on every turn is deeply damaging for those most vulnerable: the children. By default they will believe in all sorts of BS. Parents mission and responsibility is to straight up their kids, but parents are all at work - earning money to provide sustenance for their children + million of "refugees" in their own country, just so the "refugees" can have all the time they need to rest between burning our cars, violating our women and children or planting bombs in the cinema.
At the same time teachers at schools and kindergartens are not allowed to raise awareness in the children - that would be sooooo racist, and only non-white people are allowed to be racist....
Where does it stop?
Where it leads us?

Kenneth Colakovic No. 93368 2018-12-28 : 22:49

all war is deception Sun-Tzu open borders Jill May Angela Merkel Carl Junker Emmanuel Macron pro-refugee leaders of the UN and European Union human rights activists like those women holding refugees welcome signs should be made to watch Lousia Vesterager Jespersen footage with their eyes forced open like Alex in A Clockwork Orange

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