By: Savannah Smith |
12-22-2018 | News
Photo credit: Lebanon County Detective Bureau
PA - Nanny Cam Caught 35-Year-Old Man Having Sex With a 15-Year-Old Girl
It wasn’t put there to catch any predators as there were no threats or negative expectations of such but detectives in Lebanon County are thanking a “nanny cam” for being the key in unraveling a crime. The said cam inadvertently caught a 35-year-old Myerstown man having deplorable sex with a 15-year-old girl.
The predator has been identified as Michael Jovich. The Lebanon County Detective Bureau said that a person reviewed the camera’s footage on December 3, 2018 and caught Jovich with the victim.
The camera had been placed in the Lebanon City apartment of a resident. The resident was not named by the authorities, neither is his or her relations with the accused or victim- if any- disclosed.
Investigators subsequently discovered that Jovich had been having an inappropriate sexual relationship with the victim since April 2018 including sexual intercourse. The other sexual-related incidents took place in Lebanon City, Heidelberg Township, Myerstown, and an unknown location along the Appalachian Trail.
The suspect was arrested on Friday. He is charged with statutory sexual assault, indecent assault, endangering the welfare of the children, and corruption of minors.
Jovich is being held in the Lebanon County Correctional Facility on $250,000 bail. A preliminary hearing on the charges is set for January 3, 2019.
Nanny cams are a popular investment especially for families who employ babysitters to make sure they can still check on their kids when they’re out. They range from the traditional hidden cameras to less discreet baby monitors.
Others use nanny cams to watch their pets or wish to acquire one for the same purpose.
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This piece of garbage should be castrated and be sent to prison among the general population. I hope they dispatch this monster quickly. No pedaphile can be rehabilitated. Life in prison is the only way he will not commit this type of atrocity again.