#BREAKING: A bus ran into pedestrians after being hijacked by a man with a knife on Tuesday in Longyan, Southeast China’s Fujian Province. Five people died, including a police officer, and 21 others injured. The suspect was seized by police and the incident is under investigation pic.twitter.com/OQI3vN0kzs
— Global Times (@globaltimesnews) December 25, 2018
— 大地 (@zlu_j) December 25, 2018
12 月 25 日,网传福建省龙岩市一公交车被劫持,现场有人员伤亡。
一公交车停在马路上,现场有多名伤者倒地。今日下午 4 时许,北青报记者从福建省龙岩市公安局获悉,目前犯罪嫌疑人已被控制,就公交车是否被劫持和伤亡情况,警方称暂不方便透露。(一) pic.twitter.com/raRRTJjYwI
网传福建龙岩抢公交车撞人。转 pic.twitter.com/o5LXBvEDU6
— 曾宁 (@pZO5xK2Su74DiBW) December 25, 2018
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Unlike the USA, China's Socialist government actively and aggressively drops the hammer on radicals trying to terrorize its nation. They have setup isolated holding areas for radicals demanding China bend its society to meet Islamic cultural issues.
People, Islamic Radicals & Fanatics are suicide bombers and attackers. Too many crime deterrents are based on the idea of attackers want for self-preservation. These are based on a dangerous outdated fallacy.
eg. 9-11 Hijackers.
Radical are taught and believe they going to heaven by murdering innocence people even babies, if they are non-Muslin.
The only solution is to treat them as they officially treat Christians. Never grant citizenship, never allow them to build houses or practice their worship in groups. Thus negating all voting powers and the temptation of political parties to bend for the votes.
That is some sick shit, but the Chinese will put some bleach in his gene pool really soon as should we with this type of crime instead of 20-life and then letting them out in 5 days!!
Let me guess, Uyghur Muslim Chinese. And people wonder why the Han Chinese people hate them.
Muslim NIGGERS again.... bring back The Crusades! impale them all.