Give me a dozen healthy infants, well-formed, and my own specified world to bring them up in and I’ll guarantee to take any one at random and train him to become any type of specialist I might select—doctor, lawyer, artist, merchant-chief and, yes, even beggar-man and thief, regardless of his talents, penchants, tendencies, abilities, vocations, and race of his ancestors. Dr. John B. Watson
#TransAgenda Beyond the Pale: Stand-to-Pee prosthetics for girls and Tuck Buddies Underwear for boys.
— A r c h o n s (@GrandArch104) January 4, 2019
Seated to the right is convicted MURDERER Michael Alig. Above, is a portrait of a child skipping rope, with the word "rohypnol" a common date rape drug. Is this the type of culture you want your daughter to be in?
— benjamin8213 ♠ (@benjamin8213) January 2, 2019
Twitter: #TransAgenda #desmondisamazing
Should get the noun correct also. He is a transvestite not transgender. There is nothing pretend about the twig and berries between the legs. Whereas as a transvestite just dollies his self up and pretends away. Either way you look at it you have a mental problem that needs a psychologist's analysis to assess the level of delusion.
kids can be brainwashed to hate their parents too. it happened in Cambodia in the 70's.
I was OFFENDED on Facebook by this image of racism against whites.
I was on facebook etc, and suddenly, I saw this image. The image says, "When a white guy flirts with me...are you lost?" And it was a white girl who posted the pic! She is kinda heavy not super obese but big girl. And she only dates niggers for some reason.
But this image she posted on facebook was blatant RACISM against white people! WTF! And idiots are acting like she is some kind of civil rights activist for posting the image and only dating nigger men, when in reality she is a white woman who is fucking RACIST against white men! And another white girl who only dates nigger men commented and said me too! And a goddamn nigger commented and said lol! Like they see nothing wrong with it! I wanted to make a comment saying she was racist but I knew everyone would assume that I am the racist and would block me so I didn't comment. They are the real racists! The niggers who all loved and liked the comment are racist against white people for liking the comment. and the white girls are racist against white men.
The god damn reverse racism bullshit. IT makes them racist against whites. Its so horrible.
Stuff like this is why Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 election. The media is making people discriminate against whites.
well it is a topic f or sure... yet some comments seem not from birth parents.. just flits of newsy bites.. gnawing at anyone.. perhaps the staff is scared of having children in this coming era/// the donations to someone that gave up usa secrets while within service( which another non real id P) gave the one a free pass with trauma of gender to doctor up ..lots donated.. hum .. so some got happy and shoved happiness of surgical effect down on masses of ''now lesser ones ''that even donated.. ( anonymous is that money is money and takers take so if donations put forward get receipts or never say a word) see where it all lands.~ [[ i could really spend a lot of time here yet will try to be politely brief and respect for sometimes the respect is what is missing.. ]] knowledge is more than just attending classes even university 4 walled rooms../// the trans stuff has been public for 30 years and library's and elementary schools have appeased family and communities to give various awareness's to the youth. the same with prep about reporting the drug issues that show up on playgrounds. / ~ how do you teach a young child to cross a busy street . list the ways.. you all have crossed busy streets .. hey gold water just amazing not one could hear the basic human call... perhaps do an article on that Viagra stuff for whom really knows what that highly accelerated sperm does to a gentle tiny egg cell... oh yea.. some sciences are kinda bad experiments on many..dabble it up with that special mj of now a days and can one really point fingers of blame to each other ~ or something else... a day job is repetition as school as eating etc .sport soap operahs tv soap op's ...guess it doesn't matter any more ... good luck and to the old guy in the behind scenes .. your not fooling anyone ... they are smarter than you....
OK i see the wording on "rohypnol" a common date rape drug. Is this the type of culture you want your daughter to be in? wall behind desmond... while the ramp up is to promote this effect yet is the kid DRUGed? hope the kid gets some in my land it is 911 yet in usa ? it is post a video land ... and get some newsy hits .. like what the T Q has the F a kid meant even to golden waters... go float in the field of golden daffodils ~~~~ just drift right even steve of a Q and that is patriotic sort of like where was norad or nato or anyone 9 11 or benny gazzhi ... you all watched and watched and watched and watched... you ofr chelsey manning could not get past the borders this time.. and good...
Hey em ie, it is always appropriate the medical communities assertion that those who “pretend” have a serious psychological issue that is dangerous to ignore. Anytime a vestite be they pan or trans are in a delusion of epic self destructive behavior. Much like pedos or preditos
The "mother" of this kid is not a woman. That's a drag queen. Figure it out. That's not a woman, it's a man, dressing as a women, which is why HE is putting this shit on HIS kid. Bullet to the brain is what that that trash needs.